Chapter Twelve: Abigail

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All morning, I can't stop thinking about the stranger at the tram stop. I almost set my lab partner on fire, I'm so preoccupied. I decide to excuse myself from class for a few moments to collect my thoughts.

Terrance. That's what he said his name was. Terrance... what was his last name? Did he give me a last name? Oh, what does it matter, I'll probably never hear from him again, anyway. He probably doesn't even work for UHC. He was probably just some sly jerk who wanted to get a girl's number to feel good about himself.

I shake off the last of my delusion, determined to focus on my classwork. This is how I'll get to UHC. This is how I'll make a difference. Not some green-eyed charismatic stranger. I head back into the lab.

"You ok?" my lab partner, Kimi, asks when I return.

"I'm fine. Just needed some air." I flip open my lab manual and return to the experiment. "Can you hand me the 200mL beaker?"

"Sure." Kimi passes it to me, along with the salt shaker. "You'll need this in a minute, too."

"Thanks." I take both from her and set them on the lab table in front of me. We're doing something today with the effects of different catalysts on hydroponic-specific bacterium. I'm only half here, despite my resolve not to think about Terrance. Kimi notices.

"You sure you're okay, Bee? I can tell Porter you're sick or something."

"Nah, I'm good. You study for the calculus exam yet?"

"Ugh. No. Kill me now."


The rest of the morning is uneventful. I pass my calculus exam with time to spare. I've almost forgotten about what's-his-face (Terrance. Shut up. I'm not thinking about him) by the time lunch rolls around. I duck into the cafeteria and make my way through the line, picking out a well-balanced, if flavorless, meal, and settling down at a table in the far corner. I'm just about to tuck into my soggy green beans with "butter-flavored sauce" when my phone lights up. It's an unrecognized number.

"Hello?" I answer tentatively.

"Told you I would call." Oh my god. It's him.

"Terrance?" (Yeah, okay, I didn't forget about him. Deal with it.)

"The one and only. What are you doing this afternoon?"

"I have class." Is he about to ask me out?

"What about after? HR wants to schedule an interview."

"An interview?"

"Yeah. You know what those are, right? They're when you come talk to a bunch of super official people about working for their company. Unless you don't want to work for Underland Hydroponics anymore."

"No! I mean, yes! I do! Oh my god, are you serious?"

"Of course I am. I told you I'd put in a good word, didn't I? How's 3:45 work for you?"

I'm almost jumping out of my skin. "Perfect. That works perfect."

"Perfect," he repeats. "See you then."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"


I unceremoniously shove the rest of my food into my mouth, rushing to the lab so I can finish my project before class so I don't have to stay too late. If I hurry, I can make it home and change before the interview. I mentally calculate how long I have to work and decide that I might not be able to get a shower in, but I can wash my face and spray on a little of the remaining perfume I managed to smuggle down here.

Underland Hydroponics Corporation. It's my dream job. And here it is, dropped into my lap.

It's almost too good to be true.

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