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i walked straight forwards until i saw the small corner shop. i smiled knowing that it wasn't even a few minutes away, it was only like 40 seconds.

i walked in a saw a bald man with a ginger beard on the opposite side of the counter. he looked up and smiled as i walked in. 'afternoon,' he said nodding his head. 'hi,' i said quietly and walked to a random section of the store so it looks like i know what im doing. 'do you live here?' i heard randomly from behind me. i turned around to see the ginger talking to me. 'yeah i literally just moved here a few minutes ago,' i said lifting my feet with my heels and then back down in the same way. he nodded. 'what's your name kid?' he said looking at me. 'valerie, and yours?' i say smiling. 'ah cool cool, im fezco.' he said nodding slowly.

he spoke slowly but i didn't mind, it was rather soothing to me.

i grabbed a hot cheetos bag and walked over to the freezers. i walked past a open freezer leading into a room. i didn't really see much in the back so i ignored it. i ended up on deciding on a red gatorade but i couldn't find it. i turned around to fezco and asked if he had any red gatorades. 'uh, im not sure kid, check in the back,' he said looking towards the open freezer door. i walked towards it and peaked my head through.

there was a young boy sitting there. he looked about 16 or 17 but he had face tattoos, i couldn't really make out what they were though.

he was really attractive and i would've been lying if i didn't say he was. i walked fully in whilst knocking on the window of the freezer. he looked up with a stern face, like i just interrupted him doing a drug deal or something.

'fez asked me to check the back for any red gatorades.' i said unaware that i literally gave fezco a nickname like i've known him for ages. it felt like that although i only talked to him like twice and i only just met him. the boy looked mad as he stood up and went further a back into the room. he came back holding a red gatorade and handed it to me quite roughly. what a bitch, but i only smiled and said thank you. i turned back to fez and placed my items on the counter.

as soon and i pulled out the 20 dollar bill fez shook his head. 'it's on the house, since it's yo first time kid,' he said looking down at me. i shook my head and insisted on the 20 dollars which made him laugh and push it back into my hands. i grabbed my things and thanked him continuously. i walked towards the door and shouted 'thank you and bye,' which made him shout back 'be safe kid,'

what a nice guy.

i walked back to damiens apartment holding my snacks. i arrived and opened the door to reveal no one home and a small note on the coffee table infront of the couch. i grabbed it whilst placing my things down and read it.

i went out, do whatever you want. i'll be back.

i signed and slumped back into the couch. i opened my bag of hot cheetos and started to eat them but then felt a vibration through my trousers. i wiped my fingers on the fabric of the couch and picked my phone out from my pocket.

ania said you moved to cali???
whyd you leave without telling us?
valerie cmon that's low.
read 6:07pm

i sighed. jay always took anias side so i wasn't surprised him texting me about the whole moving thing. i decided to just leave him on read because i wasnt bothered on starting a argument over text especially since i'll probably never see them again.


three hours have passed since andrew and damien left and i was so bored. i had no friends and i had nothing to do either. it was the middle of summer so i didn't even get to make friends anytime soon since there's no school. i look at the clock on the wall above the tv. it wasn't moving. i wonder how long it's been there like that.

the apartment itself seemed old but it was cozy so i didn't really mind. i found much more nicer than those 'perfect' white houses made out of just concrete and glass.

since i was in the car the whole day and only went out to the store for like ten minutes, i really wanted some fresh air. only problem was that i had no where to go and i didn't even know how to get anywhere. i sighed knowing that's if i stay in the house it'll be worse than getting lost in a random town. kinda.

i liked being home alone but something felt off and i was extremely bored.

i stood up from the couch and grabbed my phone which was next to me and headed towards the door.

i left the apartment and walked down the stairs heading down to the road. i looked both ways trying to decide which way i should go. i chose left since that's the way the store was but i didn't want to go in and annoy fezco because i already went in only a couple hours ago.


i've been walking for the past hour just listening to music and i didn't mind it but it was getting dark and i had to be heading back now even if my brother wasn't home. i didn't want to be lost in the dark.

i jinxed it. i was lost. in the dark. how dumb can i be. i stopped in the tracks and turned around. i took one earphone out of my ear and let it swing by my side whilst i left the other one in. i wanted to be cautious of my surroundings.

i kept walking for what seemed like 20 minutes, i was genuinely lost. i pulled out my phone to text andrew although i knew that he wouldn't message me back within an hour. he never responded to messages which right now, sucked.

this chapter low-key sucked but atleast val and fezco met. not really with ash tho but they will soon🙏🙏

1089 words

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