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i picked up val and heard her say, 'you smell good stranger,' which made me smile a bit until i realised that she was drunk and probably didn't mean it.

this whole night val was acting weird, i mean yeah i get it she was drunk but everything she said was about me? im not saying that i thought she liked me but no way she just did that for no reason.

i liked it if im being honest but i just wish she wasn't drunk when she said it.

i carried val to the car bridal style with fezco helping me. he opened the door for me to get in the back with val since i didn't want her rolling of the back chairs and dying.

fezco started to the car started driving. 'we're taking her to our house,' he said keeping his eyes on the road. 'what why?' i said.

'imagine if a bunch of drug dealers brought home your daughter drunk, that wouldn't be a good look on us if they see us with her.' fezco said, i nodded because i couldn't really say anything to against him becuase he was correct.


we arrived at our house while val still laying on my lap. fezco got out to help me pick her, i mean she wasn't heavy but i need help getting myself and her out the car in once piece.

i walked to our front door with val in my arms. i stepped inside and went straight to my room to put her on my bed. she lay there so peacefully, she looked pretty?

nah i cant be thinking like this.

i walked out my room and sat down on the couch next to fezco. 'she sleeping in yo room?' he asked while pulling out a joint and lighting it up. i nodded and he gave me the first hit.

when i would be high i would only think about me and fez's future, our safety and what not. i never thought anybody elses but tonight i sat there with the joint in my hand thinking about mine and vals future. together.

i felt weird because i wasn't used to it but it felt oddly nice too? 'do you like val?' i asked fezco who just looked at me. 'yes.' he said taking the joint from my fingers and taking a puff from it when it was in his reach of his mouth. 'so do i.' i said to fez buzzed out my mind because i didn't have anything to eat today and smoking on a empty stomach isn't good.



i woke up in a unfamiliar room which made me jolt up to sit up straight. i was still in my clothes from last night and i sighed. shit i must've went to someone's house. no shit valerie obviously i did.

i sat there for a while as my eyes adjusted and finally got up out of the random bed.

i tiptoed quietly out the room to see fez and ash sitting at a table eating cereal. 'fuck me, i thought i woke up in jesus's room.' i said which made my tense and contracted muscles relax. fezco laughed and turned to look at me, 'goodmorning val,' he said to me. i walked to the empty seat next to him and sat down. 'goodmorning...' i said confused on why i was here.

fez and ash must've picked up on that because ash told me that i was drunk and they couldn't just leave me there. i smiled knowing that if they didn't take me with them i would probably be found dead in a ditch or even worse at someone's house.

'want some?' fez asked pointing down at the bowl of cereal in front of him, i nodded and got up to get me a bowl and a spoon.

he placed it in front of me while ash pushed the cereal and milk in front to me. i added the cereal first and then the milk while ash say there staring at me. 'what?' i said as i looked up. 'i just wanted to see if you put milk or cereal first.' he said raising his eyebrows which made me laugh. 'cereal first for life,' i said which made fezco laugh and shake his head. 'what, you put milk first?' i said while slapping my hand on my chest dramatically.

'it's too early for this shit.' fezco said shaking his head and going back to eating. we all ate in silence until i remembered that i was actually at their house and i didn't even message my brother. i quickly got up to which ash looked at me confused. 'do you know where my phone is?' i asked. he pointed to his room and said it was on his desk. i walked to the room and grabbed my phone to see me spammed with texts and missed calls. all from my brother.

weirdo drew😟
im not home yet but damien is so if you come home he'll be there dw
hey val
damien said you're not home yet
it's 1 in the morning
come home val
where are you???????

26 missed called from weirdo drew😟

shit. i needed to get home but i didn't even know the way since i was at fez's house.

i walked back into the room where fez and ash were and they were placing their bowls in the sink. 'you in trouble kid?' fez asked looking up from the sink. i nodded and sat down on the couch with a throbbing headache. i put my head in my hands and felt the couch sink a little, i looked up and saw ash sitting down next to me. 'you were very drunk last night,' he said again quite nervously. why was he nervous? did i do something?

'yeah i know.' i said throwing my head back in pain which made ash laugh. 'get up kid, im taking you home,' fez said walking towards me and grabbing the keys from his pocket. i nodded and followed him outside.


just as fez drove up to my house i looked out the window in a panic, i just really hoped that andrew won't be mad at me. 'thanks so much and sorry for last night.' i said opening the back door. 'it's ok kid, ion mind,' he said as i left and watched him drive off.

i took a deep breath and walked to the front door and knocked.


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