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'uhm, ash come here, you too valerie.' i heard fez shout from where he was. i got up and so did ash.

as i got closer to fez he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room where his grandma and rue were, 'all right, so stay in here and be quiet.' fezco said, hurring out the room and closed the door behind us. 'the fuck was that?' i asked rue, 'mouse.' she said as she sat down on a chair near fezcos grandma. 'i don't think i can stay in here...' she muttered, playing with the ends of her curly hair. 'it's fine rue, just be quiet for a bit.' i answered, leaning against the wall whilst looking around the room.

'im not good with awkward silences,' she blurted, i rolled my eyes and looked away from her.

eventually rue got quiet and stopped complaining but the more i watched her the more i realised she was staring at the pills which were scattered all over the small table next to the bed. i watched her as her breathing became more irregular and her eyes started darting between pill bottles. 'rue...?' i whispered.

she got up abruptly and paced up the room before heading towards the door. 'rue. rue come back.' i whisper shouted as she twisted the door handle walked out carefully. i sighed and followed her.

no way was i going to stay alone here.


'look man, you should've just stayed in the room. you lucky yo ass didn't get caught.' fez said all seriously as i sat up on the counter. i nodded my head in agreement and looked up at him, 'my bad.' i told him to which he just smiled. 'you good kid,'

'anything else?' i heard a deep voice say from near the front of the shop.

it was nate, he walked in, his tall self naturally towering over me and fezco. 'what's up fez.' he said nodding his head to fezco.

he looked at me and smirked, 'hey val, nice to see you here.' he laughed, emphasising the 'you'.

i sighed and gave a weak smile, 'what's up man?' fezco replied clearly unimpressed and annoyed by his presence. 'yo, can I get uh, two of the rolling papers too bro?' nate said pointing down to fez.

fezco obliged and gave it to him. 'ight so bruh, i don't know whats been going on with you, rue and jules and shit, but you should know i really do care about her.' fezco breathed.

'aren't you her drug dealer?' nate smirked. 'nah man.' fezco simply responded. 'what? so you're in a relationship?' nate asked stupidly, smiling at his own remark.

'nah bruh, that's like family.' fezco asked staying surprisingly patient and calm. 'look man, all im saying is leave her and friends alone.' he continued.

'is that a threat?' nate chuckled clearly amused.

fucking bitch opens his mouth once more and i swear the last fucking thing he'll be caring about is that 'threat'.


'hey val, there's a party on saturday night if you want to come,' maddy said over the phone. 'im not sure... whose going to be there?' i asked since no one told me about a party recently. 'uh honestly... no one from school, it's like a, how do i say this, older parties?' she said.

west side, ashtray; season oneWhere stories live. Discover now