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'how was your night val?' fez asked as i just sat in the middle back seat staring at my lap. i shrugged playing with skin on my wrist which was turning a dark purple. i pulled down my sleeve and looked at the mirror in between them where both ash and fez was staring at me through.

'it was good,' i said quickly trying to get attention off me. fez nodded and started the car.

the first half of the car ride was silent until fezco started talking about his night. 'i saw people throwing up left and right, lucky for me ion like rides,' he said laughing at what he just said.

i smiled, 'me and ash went on the ferris wheel.' i said looking over at ash who was looking at the road in front of him. 'he got really scared,' i added which made ash dash his head to me. 'no? the fuck you lying for?' he said which made fez laugh. 'not surprised.' fez responded.

the rest of the ride was just laughter.

fezco slowly stopped on the side of the road of my house. 'oh uh thanks fez,' i said before hesitantly stepping out the car.

i closed the door behind me and turned to ash and fez. 'thanks for driving me but can you stay here for a bit, im not sure if anyones home and i don't have the keys so like...' i said feeling bad. 'yeah no problem,' fez said before i turned towards the house to knock on the door.

it was about 10pm so i wouldn't be surprised if the door wasn't opened straight away but it took a good five minutes to realise no one was home. i sighed and dragged myself back to fezs car which was waiting for me.

'thanks and sorry, mind if i stay the night?' i asked as i stepped in the car, i let my head drop into my hands.

i looked back up to see fezco and ash exchanging pleased looks on both of their faces, mostly ashs.

'yeah of course kid,' fez said before doing a u turn to go back into the direction of his house.

i didn't live too far from fez, probably just like a 10 maybe 15 minute walk so it wasn't a hassle for him.

we pulled up to their apartment complex and all stepped out walking towards the entrance. i smiled as i walked in, the cozy yellow light flashing my eyes. i sat down on the couch removing my shoes and placing them neatly next to the door.

ash sat down next to me and did the same but a lot rougher than me. 'want to watch a movie?' he asked suddenly which made me sit up and nod.

'let me get changed first, i'll give you some of my clothes for tonight.' ash said before walking into his room and closing the door behind him. i sat there for not for long taking in deep breaths of the air around me, the house smelt like cereal and a hint of weed, which wasn't bad honestly.

ash walked out wearing a black tank top and a pair of grey sweats holding from what i could see red shorts and a simple white top. he threw them straight at my face which made me let out a weird noise. ash just stood there laughing at me. how fucking rude.

i'll get his little short ass back.

i stood up and walked towards the bathroom without thanking ash. i went in and got changed, i looked fine except both the top and the shorts were too big for me. i tried fixing it by rolling up the shorts which worked a bit but i couldn't really do anything about the top. that shit made me look like a marshmallow.

after i used the toilet i turned on the water about to wash my hands until i saw the fat dark bruise on my wrist, i tried to ignore it in the car which worked but now? i didnt know what to do, if ash saw he would ask me what happened and i told nate i wouldn't tell anyone for the sake of fez, ash and maddy.

west side, ashtray; season oneWhere stories live. Discover now