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i continued to walk as i heard a car slow down next to me on the road. 'valerie?' i heard a familiar voice call out. i turned around and stopped the music i was listening to completely.

it was fezco and that face tattooed boy in the car. i walked towards the rolled down window of fezcos car. 'oh hey,' i said kinda awkwardly. 'you lost kid?' fezco said ignoring my hey. i nodded and he told me to get in the back. i weakly smiled and did as he told.

going into a strangers car was the worst thing i could've done right now but i had to get home and i wasn't planning on walking in the dark getting even more lost.

'where do you live val?' fezco said looking in the rear mirror to me. 'uhh, well i don't know but its close to your shop... i think.' i said looking out the window, kind of panicking. i sat in the middle seat to get a good view of where he was heading so i knew i wasn't getting kidnapped and also so i can see the way.

'what were you doin?' fezco said breaking the silence. 'oh uh, i was bored and my brother wasn't home so i decided to walk for a bit,' i said back. 'in an area you don't know?' he said laughing a bit. i laughed too and nodded. 'kid, you gon get yourself kidnapped, i ain't goin to be there for you every time,' he said a little more serious now. 'yeah it was stupid but i just wanted to get to know the area a little.' i said 'by yourself?' he said turning his head away from the road to look at me. i put my head down knowing how stupid i was being.

the whole car ride was silent between us. the boy next to fezco would occasionally turn to look at me or fezco. he had a really nice side profile my god. bro was genuinely perfect.

'we're here,' fezco said as he stopped next to the shop. 'do you know the rest of the way val?' he said. 'i think so yeah,' i said placing my hand on the car door. 'thank you so much and im sorry,' i said as i opened the door and walked out. i turned to look at fezco. 'it's ok kid, im always here if you need sum,' he said and then drove off.

at least i have someone now.


i arrived home and i sat down on the couch. i was so tired and hungry, i didn't even finish my hot cheetos. i grabbed them from the coffee table and ate them. they were stale but pretty much the only thing i had. i reached over to the gatorade and drank it. it refreshed me since this was one of the first things i drank today.

shit. it was nearly 9pm and andrew wasn't back. it was normally normal for him to come home late or not even come home for a few days but we haven't even moved for a day and he's doing what he normally does. i felt my eyes flutter which meant i was really tired and i had to sleep. luckily before andrew took the car and left he brought all our bags inside so i could get changed when i wanted to sleep.

i slipped on some grey low waisted sweats and a matching grey tank top and went into the room which was supposed to be mine. i laid down looking up at the ceiling. it was ok, not the comfiest bed but not the worst either. i put myself in a comfortable position and fell almost immediately asleep.


i woke up at around 10am and rolled myself out of bed. i stepped out my room to see damien, andrew and a random girl sitting on the couch. really? not even 1pm and they're having an orgy.

'morning val,' damien said to me whilst getting up from the couch and walking towards the kitchen area. 'morning,' i say back.

'what did you do while we were gone?' damien asked me. he talks so much god. 'nothing much.' i said, clearly wanting to stop the conversation since i had just woken up. 'you didn't leave to explore the town?' he said. 'eh kind of?' i said not going into any details because i didn't want andrew to find out i was in a 'strangers' car.

'did you get lost?' damien chuckled. 'no.' i said which made him shut up almost immediately.

i made my way to the kitchen island separating the small living room and kitchen. i sat down and placed my head in my hands. i heard a soft clang infront of me, to my surprise damien placed a plate of sandwiches in front of me. finally, some sort of nutritions for me. i thanked him and started eating almost immediately.

damien wasn't bad or anything i just didn't like talking to him, he would ask too many questions and drag on conversations forever, which isn't a bad thing but not really for me. i liked talking and i was very talkative but only with a few people and damien definitely wasn't one of those few people.

i finished my sandwich and walked back into my room picking out a shirt and a pair of low waisted cargos from my bag. i still haven't unpacked which wasn't a big deal but i know i will have to soon.

i got changed and put my hair up with a clam and added some mascara to my eyelashes and i was done. i walked out my room to find andrew and that random girl still on the couch talking. i walked past them towards the front door before andrew asked me where i was going. 'im not sure yet, probably just walking around.' i said whilst shrugging, he nodded and let me go.

i still don't know how he would even let me leave like that, i don't even know my way to the nearest police station. i mean i didnt really care though, at least i had the freedom to leave but it sometimes felt like he didn't care about me because of how easily he would let me go without even knowing where i went.

idk how to make ash and val meet up, maybe in the next chapter idk tho🤷🏻‍♀️

1081 words

west side, ashtray; season oneWhere stories live. Discover now