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'v come down stairs,' andrew called. he was rarely even home so his voice surprised me, especially since it was 7am. 'bro what the fuck do you want, it's seven in the morning.' i shouted out from my bedroom. i waited a bit until i knew for a fact that he won't tell me while i was upstairs which meant i had to go down to him.

i get out of my bed and put on my slides. i made my way out my room and down the stairs.

i saw andrew sitting on the couch with two other older men. older than andrew definitely, andrew was around 27 but i honestly don't know anymore since he never celebrated his birthday ever since both of our parents died in a car crash a couple years back.

'val i want you to meet these guys, ralph and dean,' he said pointing at them whilst saying their names. i was so confused but shrugged it off and sat next to andrew on the couch.

'nice to meet you... val?' one the guys said, i think it was ralph but i was only guessing. 'my names valerie, val is just a short way of saying it,' i said nodding awkwardly to the two men.

they both nodded and looked back at my brother. 'well... so valerie, i was thinking we should move,' andrew said quite fast and randomly. i looked at him and tilted my head to one side. 'what, why?' i said honestly shocked. this was the last thing i was expecting him to say, we lived here all our life and it was so random.

'well, living here is using up all our money and i just think it'll be better for us,' andrew said scratching the back of his head and turning to me.

he was right. we barely had enough money to live and it was only us two living in this big ass house. i didn't really want to move though, i had all my friends here and moving just meant that i had to make new friends, go to a new school... which sucked since im not really the out going type of person.

i looked at andrew and shrugged, 'i mean i don't mind..?' i said awkwardly still confused why the two men were here. 'that's great,' one of the men said whilst standing up. the other man stood up aswell and extended his arm out towards andrew. andrew quickly stood up and shook his hand. 'sold,' the man said shaking andrews hand said with a big toothy smile.

i sighed and walked back upstairs towards my bedroom knowing that andrew will call me back down to tell me to pack up or some shit.

'valerie!' i heard andrew shout.

i knew it.

i walked back downstairs for the second time in a 20 minute span. i dragged my legs towards my brother and sat down next to him. again. 'so you heard, the house is sold..' he said pulling an awkward face.

me and andrew rarely talked so talking to him right now didn't seem right. he was always out for 'business' when we both knew that i knew it meant drugs but he never told me. he didn't have a job, he just went round selling drugs to whoever asked. i was too young to get a proper job so i just did peoples homework's and tests for some extra cash. i got 'paid' fine from it though, not good enough to pay bills and shit but good enough for me to go to the mall and buy stuff that i wanted.

'yeah...' i said back to him looking everywhere but at him. 'when?' i said quickly.

'im not sure' he said picking up the files infront of him. he flicked though a few pages until he found a phone number near the bottom of the page. he took out his phone and dialled the number. we waited for four rings until someone picked up. 'hello, this is moving company dc, what do you need help with?' a bubbly voice came out through the speaker of his phone. 'hi hello, i need to know when im moving..' andrew said. 'ok so tell me your name and contact code that was given to you when the your house was sold.' the voice said.

i walked away not bothered to hear him talk with the person on the phone and headed towards the kitchen. i opened the fridge and took out some leftover chinese food i had last night while andrew was out doing whatever he was doing.


'ok so val, i talked to the people and they said we have two weeks to move since any later than two weeks will cause problems for us and for them, they said 'sorry for the inconvenience' and that they'll pay for the moving of the furniture to our new house.' andrew said in one breath, i looked at him and nodded. 'where are we going though..?' i said, he sighed.

'a friends house.' he said. 'so we don't even have a house yet?' i said, honestly taken aback, how can you sell your current house with no back up house available? god he is dumb.

'well there's one i saw but the owners of the house haven't replied yet, i messaged them yesterday.' he said looking at me.

oh. my. god.

'are you dumb? like have you been smoking?' i said. he's really pissing me off, how can you be that dumb.

'it's ok val, we'll get the house don't worry' he said but i doubt he even believes himself.

the only problem with andrew is that he won't let go of something until he has it, even if he didn't want it in the first place.

he is the reason i have to look behind me every now and again when i walk alone because people know im his sister and will nag to me about him and the shit he did to them to get what he wanted.

i honestly didn't care though. now at least i can start fresh somewhere else.

gah daym. this chapter was just a starter, ash and fez will show up soon dw.  i didn't proof read because im too tired for that but i'll do it later dw. please point any typos and sentences that don't make sense, thanks

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