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'yoo what you man doing?' fez said walking in. my face became hot and i walked towards the door which made fez laugh. 'bye fezco and ash,' i shouted as i walked out. i heard a faint 'bye val.' from both of the brothers.


its the last week before summer ending and school starting which made me become more stressed each passing day.

i was sitting out in the back of the shop with ash talking until i heard a girls voice come from the door where fezco was.

'rue?' i heard fez say. 'i thought you died bruh.' he continued. 'yeah well everybody did,' rue said. the rest of the conversation was muffled since ash started to tell me who rue was and what happened to her. i felt kind of bad until she walked into the store to the freezer where me and ash were. 'yoo ash,' she said placing her palms flat down on the table infront of us.

she looked over to me and smiled. 'hey,' rue said while extending her hand. 'im rue,' she said. i took her hand and we both laughed a bit. 'im valerie,' i said to her. 'oooh nice name,' she said letting go of my hand and turning to ash, 'soo, i would like some weed and a couple of ocs,' she said completing ignoring the fact i was there as well after we shook hands. my smiled dropped a little and looked at ash.

he told me that she overdosed and disappeared over the summer, ash said she either died or went to rehab but since she was here alive we both went with the second option.

'dont look at me like that ash, just because i came out of rehab doesn't mean ima stay clean,' she said which made ash scoff and open the microwave next to him. he pulled out a bag filled with little bags of pills and weed.

'awh ash you're the best,' she said stretching her hand for him to drop the bags in her palm. he dropped them in her hand and looked at her. 'count this as a post rehab discount since i just came out,' she said before taking a few steps back. 'oh and nice to meet you val,' she said before doing a salut action and waking out.

'you gave them to her?' i asked. 'business is business.' he responded whilst closing the microwave. i laughed 'where's the money that she gave you?' i said mocking him. 'i ain't giving you a ride no more.' he said. 'i'll just ask fez,' i said shrugging which made him laugh.

'you have a nice laugh,' i said. shittt. did i really say that? fuck me.

he looked over to me and smiled lightly. 'thanks?' he responded before i stood up and walked out to fezco without telling him why.

'hey fez,' i said walking towards him. he turned back and smiled, 'hey kid,' 'how old is rue?' i asked trying to spark up a conversation. '17, she's in your grade, i think.' he said. that's good, at least i kinda know someone know now.

i took out my phone to check the time and saw that i was spammed by my brother 24 minutes ago.

weirdo drew😟
come home val
come home rn
im not playing val
come home

15 missed calls from weirdo drew😟

shit. 'bye fez i have to go.' i said. i felt bad for ash so i quickly ran to the back to say my goodbyes, 'bye ash i have to go,' i said out of breath. 'bye val,' he replied looking up at me. i ran to the door and dashed home.

i made it home in 20 seconds. world record i think.

i ran to the front door to find it unlocked. again. can no one lock a fucking door in this house? i opened it and saw two men with their backs to me with andrew and damien in front of them behind the coffee table. it was a drug deal. again. andrews eye widen and shakes his head slightly which caused the two men with their backs to me to turn around and pull their guns out on me.

'well well whose this little princess,' the bigger man said. he had face tattoos and looked menacing. i was in shock so i just stood there not moving. he jerked his gun towards the couch, telling me to sit down.

as i sat down he put his gun under my chin and lifted my head so i could look at him. 'you're beautiful.' he said getting so close to me i could smell his breath. he turned to andrew and damien. 'is she for sale? she looks like a good drug,' he said laughing which made the other man next to him join in. 'nah bro, leave her alone she's my sister.' andrew said.

i watched damien as he felt his back pocket which had a gun in it while the two men stared me down. the bigger guy grabbed my face and pushed me hard into the couch which made andrew flinch. the other man took out his gun and pointed it to his head. 'move once and i'll blow your brains out.' he spat in his face. i tried to remain calm but how could you stay calm in a moment like this?

'how rude of me, i forgot to introduce myself, im mouse.' the man said to which i stayed silent because i didn't want to risk anything. mouse grabbed my face again and pulled it up which made me yelp slightly. 'don't be rude. what's your name princess?' he asked still holding my head up which started to give my neck a cramp. 'valerie,' i said loud enough so he wouldn't of told me to repeat myself. 'such a beautiful name,' he said while letting go of my face and dropping himself on the couch next to me.

i looked at andrew and damien who just stood there. 'cmon man, let us do this first,' damien said which caused mouse to pull me closer to him. 'shut the fuck up.' mouse said as he placed his hand on my thigh.

i was dying internally, like i genuinely wanted to kill myself right there and then. i could've never opened my phone and went home. i could've been with ash and fez. not dying. but look at me, getting touched up by some 40 year old man because i walked into my own house at the wrong time.

'you like drugs princess?' mouse asked rubbing the inside of my thigh. 'no.' i said looking down at my lap contemplating life and how it might end in a few seconds if i made any wrong move. 'look at me when i talk to you princess,' mouse said slapping my thigh which made me groan in pain.

mouse looked up at his watch from his wrist which made him stand up yawning. 'well look at the time. im going to be late now,' he said staring at andrew. the guy next to mouse grabbed a suitcase from next to him which i didn't even know was there and placed it on the coffee table. '6k bruh.' the guy said. damien grabbed the money from inbetween the couch where i was sitting and passed it to the man.

he counted it quite quickly and looked at the man and nodded once he finished.

'make me late again and you'll pay,' mouse said. bitch you literally made yourself late the fuck? 'see you later princess.' mouse said before winking at me and leaving.

as soon as he left, damien ran over to me and sat on the couch with me. he hugged me and i hugged him back, feeling his embrace. i felt my eyes getting wetter. not because of what happened but because damien ran to me first and not my own brother. he stopped hugging me and looked at me. he didn't bother to ask if i was ok because he knew that asking me had no point. maybe i was too harsh on damien.

val met mouse🤯
i just want to apologise for any typos, i'll try fix them because i hate reading and seeing typos. i'll go over every chapter when i have time dw

1401 words

west side, ashtray; season oneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora