Chapter 17: Poison

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The black goo separated us into our own path, leaving (Y/N), Haruka, and Sora.
"What is this shit?! It's so hard to get out," Ryu yells, as we flow down the black fluid in a high speed.
I used my God Speed, grabbing Ryu and Kazan by their shirts, quickly jumping out of the goo.
"I can't get it off!" Ryu says.
No matter how hard we tried, we couldn't pull the goo off our skin. It was too sticky.
"Where are the others?!" Kazan questions.
We looked around to find them, but was unsuccessful.

"This fog doesn't help," I said. "Damnit. This is why I didn't want to bring you guys!! Now everyone's lost!" I said angrily.

"You'd rather be lost on your own?" Kazan says, giving me an annoyed look.

"Shut the fuck up," I said to Kazan, getting in his face. His face pissed me off. I squinted my eyes, trying to intimidate him. The next move he makes.. I swear i'll-

"What are you going to do moron? Start a fight? Then we could really leave you alone. We'll all die out here!!" Would you rather have that?!" Kazan yells at my face.

I hate to admit it, but he's right. Last thing I needed was to lose them too.

"Tsk," I scoffed, turning my back towards them.

"Guys calm down. Let's just try looking for the others," Ryu says nervously standing between us.

About 30 minutes passed and we still couldn't find them. We followed the path of the fluid back to the water fall where we were separated, but unfortunately couldn't find anything.

"Guys.. look.." Kazan said looking down on the ground. It was an enormous footprint. We all looked down, as all 3 of us fit inside one footprint. What the hell kind of animal is this?

Without saying a word, I began to trace the steps and follow the path.

"Why are you following the steps? Are you trying to get eaten by a monster?!" Ryu says.

I ignore his comment and kept walking.
This isn't the time for jok-

Ryu suddenly dropped to the floor. "Ryu!" Kazan shouts in concern. Ryu was unconscious.

"It might have something to do with this black stuff. We have to find help," I said trying to remain as calm as possible.

Kazan carried Ryu on his back. We decided to follow the steps. It might lead us somewhere, maybe out of this area. Or maybe to civilization.

We finally made our way out of the fog into a wooded area. Although it wasn't civilization, I'm glad we were out of the cold, creepy fog. Not that this wooded area was any less creepier, but at least we can see our surroundings better.

"What the hell is that...." Kazan says. We were shocked to see a big black spider gashed in half. It's legs were also cut in half. A pool of blood surrounded the spider, assuming it was its own blood. A sour smell filled our noses.

We gasped. What could have done this? Or who?

Suddenly, Kazan dropped to the floor, with Ryu following. I went to his side. "What's wrong?!"

"I'm not sure, my legs g-gave out on me," he says as his eyes slowly close.

"Kazan, you better not die on me you idiot!!!" I yelled at him.
I was internally freaking out. My mind went to dark places, thinking about what could happen or what will happen, if I don't find help soon. Where could (Y/N) and the others be? What is happening with Kazan and Ryu. We can't die here.. not like this. My eyes burned and began to water as I thought of the worst case scenario.

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