Chapter 18: Vision

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I sat with Haruka and Sora around a fire pit as we tried to warm ourselves up with hot soup that was offered to us by Yumi. We saw the boys walk out and join us around the fire, but instead of sitting with us, they stood there, obviously uncomfortable with their surroundings. We were inside a big tree truck, this tree was bigger than a redwood tree. The trunk was hallow but sturdy, perfect to build a home inside. The inside of the tree was lit up by the fire pit as well as blue crystals that was scattered inside, everywhere. It gave the darkness inside the tree a tint of blue light.

This entire place was called 'The Village of Shi'. We were told that the actual village where civilians lived were about a couple miles from the forest. Yumi and Shokaku preferred to be secluded from the civilians. All we were told was that the Village of Shi was filled with the poor and hungry. The villagers were treated like shit compared to the royalty. Crime rate was high due to this, mostly filled with hungry thieves and robbers.

Yumi and Shokaku walked in the scene. Killua tensed up as well as Kazan. Ryu seemed more comfortable, maybe because he enjoyed his warm bath a little too much.

"What are we doing here? Who are you demons? And why are you helping us?" Killua asked.

"What he meant to say," I said, abruptly stopping him from asking more rude questions, "he meant to thank you and ask how we can show our gratitude," I said trying to smile, hiding how uncomfortable this situation was.

"It's alright, (Y/N). My name is Yumi. This is Shokaku," she said pointing at the centaur. "This is Saki" pointing at the bird that rested on her shoulder. "This is our home. We decided to help you because we need each other."

Killua snapped, "Ha what makes you think we need you-"

"You're here to save the girl with the dark spirit inside her, right?" the centaur said.

Killua stayed quiet. His jaw clenched as he seemed to bite his tongue.

"We know where she is, if you want our help," Yumi said. Her light voice echoing inside the tree trunk.

"Why... why are you helping? What is it that you need from us?" Killua spat.

"It seems the child has abilities that grants wishes. Too big of a wish will cause death to many. We want to avoid that. We can help you find her before that happens."

"Why do you care about that?" Killua asked.

"Because she'll be the cause of Shokaku's death."
Everyone stayed quiet.
"I am able to see into the future," Yumi said, taking off her blindfold. "I am actually blind, but I still get visions of the future. I can see how everyone looks and sounds because of my visions. That's also how we knew you were coming. That's how we know about the child who is intertwined with dark spirit," she said. Yumi had no pupils. Her eyes were a blank white.

"How do we know you don't have other intentions?" Killua asked.

"I'm not sure how you can trust us," Yumi said quietly, putting her blindfold back on.

I thought about what I could do. Suddenly a lightbulb turned on. "I can read your memories! If you really see visions, I can see what you saw."

I walked up to her and grabbed her hand. "May I?" I asked.

She nodded her head. I pulled water out of her ears. I touched the water and went into her mind.
I saw a meadow. This was in contrast with Killua's memories, when most of the time, it was filled with darkness, but Yumi's was filled with light. It was beautiful. Her intentions are pure. Her heart is pure. Even living in the dark, her mind is filled with beauty (fun fact: Yumi means beauty and tenderness in Japanese). The meadow was filled with sunflowers, roses, daisies, and many more colorful flowers. I could physically smell the sweetness in the flowers. The chirping of birds calmed my senses. I could hear the buzzing of bees and had a taste of honey on my tongue.
In the corner of my eye, I saw a black puddle on the opposite side of the meadow. I walked towards it slowly, afraid of what I might see. As I approached the black puddle, I took a deep breathe and touched the puddle with my index finger. My touch created waves, distorting the puddle. Then that's when I saw it. An image in the black puddle. It was Nanika granting a wish. All of a sudden the image skipped to Shokaku. It was the beautiful centaur, talking to Yumi. I felt something familiar. I know this feeling. I felt it, deep in my chest. It was strong. It was distinct. Anyone that has felt this feeling knew it was love. Yumi is inlove with Shokaku.
Suddenly his head bursted, with an explosion of blood, skull, and brain particles. It was a disgusting sight. It made me physically ill. I felt the crack in my chest from the sadness and shock Yumi felt at that moment. I cried. I screamed. And I was pulled out.
I looked around. Everyone was staring at me, anxiously waiting for me to say something. But nothing came out my mouth. My lips trembled as tears rolled down my cheek. "We'll help you," I said to Yumi. She nodded her head and gave me a soft smile.

I wiped my tears with my arm and turned around to face the others. "She's telling the truth." It was unfortunate. I felt so much empathy in my heart for her.

Everyone looked at each other, then looked at me, and nodded their heads.

A few hours passed. Everyone was settling down in Yumi and Shokaku's home.

Everyone seemed to pretty much get along. Killua stood away from everyone. I knew he was stressed about his sister, but he had patience. I wasn't sure what I should do. Should I approach him?
Everyone was walking to their space in the tree trunk to rest. I saw Killua walking. I approached him.

"H-hey Killua,"


"Um.." Just tell him (Y/N)!! Tell him how you feel.
"I just wanted to say... goodnight." No. This isn't the right time.

His blue eyes stared into mine. He looked confused, but only responded with, "goodnight (Y/N)."

Goddamnit I chickened out.

Everyone had their own individual spot that they rested in. The inside of the tree trunk had cave-like hole compartments that were big enough for at least 2 people to sleep in. The bed was made of sheep wool in which I tossed and turned in. I couldn't sleep.
Since everyone else is asleep, should I explore the area? I was curious about the cave I saw on the way here.

I decided to not bother anyone and sneak out. I stepped out the tree quietly.
I suddenly heard a voice behind me, "where are you heading to?" It scared the shit out of me. I turned around to see the pink haired Yumi.

"Oh h-hi Yumi. You scared me," I said breathing fast holding my chest.

"You know it's dangerous to go out alone, especially when you don't know where you're going," she smiled, showing her sharp teeth.


"Do you need company?" She asked.

"Uh s-sure! I actually need directions to a cave I saw on the way here."

"Hmm.. well there's only one cave near by. I'll take you there," she said leading the way.

As we walked through the forest, I took in all the sights. Within this darkness was beauty. The flowers and creatures were glowing in the darkness. It reminded me of an enchanted forest. Yumi interrupted my thoughts. "If light ever came into the dark continent, all the living things here would not survive."

"Wait so it's always dark here?"

"Yes. From the 200 years I've lived here, I've never felt the light."


"Well I am blind. So all my senses are heightened. That's how I navigate my way around. Especially my sense for nen, it's so strong it can be overwhelming at times. Too be honest, it doesn't even feel like I'm blind. I can still see everything," she said pointing at the smallest bug that walked on the ground. "I can feel energies and nen. Everything has energy and it's very distinguishable within each individual."

"Wow that's amazing!"

"I can feel your energy is completely different from the rest. Your nen feels very similar to Kazan's and Shokaku's"


"Also the boy, Killua, his energy is very powerful, he's incredible."

"W-wait what do you mean mine and Kazan's energy is the same as Shoka-

I stopped my words as I looked infront of me. Here we are. The cave that shined a bright blue, right infront of me.

Spy x Hunter (KILLUA ZOLDYCK X READER) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt