Chapter 19: Once Upon a Time

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Looking into the cave that shined a bright blue, I saw a glimpse of sparkling blue water. I walked slowly in a trance. Yumi was hesitant to walk in with me, but began to take a few steps behind me. Suddenly sharp ice crystals shot up in between us, separating us. I was inside the cave, but it seemed the cave wanted Yumi to stay out.

"Yumi!" I yelled to her. No matter how many times I used my ability to melt the ice into water, ice kept reforming.

"It seems this cave does not want me to pass," Yumi said

It was true. We both felt it.

"I'll be back Yumi... as soon as possible!"

"(Y/N) but-

"I'll be okay, I promise!" I yelled to her.

I began to slowly head deeper and deeper into the cave. The air was cold. I felt a winter breeze that gave me goosebumps. I walked through the cave filled with ice crystals as I began to feel a strong energy the deeper I got.

That is when I saw it. An orb. A floating blue orb made of water in the very back of the cave. I was mesmerized. I walked closer, my eyes glued to the orb. I touched the water orb, curious as to what it may feel like. It was cold. I suddenly was pushed into a memory. I looked around, everything was black. Who's memory is this?


"(Y/N). I've been waiting for you child."

I looked up to see a blue dragon appear in front of me. I was startled, taken aback with how close this dragon was to me. It was enormous. The scales shined a blue with rainbow tint. The dragon was beautiful. For some reason, it also felt familiar.

"Mizuchi?" I said. I wasn't sure why I did. How did I know the dragons name? Why? I can't remember.

I looked into Mizuchi's glowing green eyes as I was brought into a whole new world.

Once upon a time dragons were soaring through the beautiful clear sky.

Back in the day, dragons were considered sacred due to the fact that dragons held the elements. They were the original elementalists. Humans brought offerings to the dragons for good luck. The holders of the elements are said to have brought balance and harmony. One day, the darkness came into the world. No one knew how this formed, but it began to spread and living things began to grow in the dark world that is now known as the Dark Continent. One day, all the dragons were slayed by a being who lived in this darkness. The energy of the elements could not be destroyed, so the energy was put into another being. Centuries later, these energies reincarnated into (Y/N), Kazan, and two others. Once they die, these special abilities will be passed down to another.

This memory of water was left on this Earth and was only meant for you to see

I opened my eyes as I felt a rough grip on my shoulders and vigorous shaking. I was pulled out of the memory by Yumi. The ice crystals that were blocking the entrance melted away. I looked around. I felt withdrawn, almost like I just woke up from a dream.

As we began to walk out of the cave and back to Yumi's home, I told Yumi everything. I told her about the dragons and how I talked to Mizuchi.
This was all surreal. A new discovery from my past life. I always considered my abilities as a curse because of the spy academy, but now, I understand. I am the light of the world. I am balance and harmony. I should be proud of who I am.
I'll tell Kazan and Killua about this later after we get back from rescuing Killua's sister.
In the meantime, we waited on Yumi's vision to give us any clues of the future.

We knew from her past visions that Alluka was in the city of Kurayami, where all the rich stay. She was in the castle which held her captive. She was captured by, what people call him, the 'Dark Lord'. He was the main leader of the Dark Continent. He lived in the castle in the heart of Kurayami. He was powerful. He was the king. And he needed Nanika for more power.

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