Chapter 16

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"Alright guys, I think you've got enough with that, you just need to practice some of those MCR songs and you should be alright." I said to my brother and his mates as he finished writing up their set list for Monday night. For some reason my brother just had to put his thoughts down on paper when it came to pretty much anything. Plans, lists, feelings, you name it, my brother probably had some sort of a journal or refill pad or poster for it. And it was always paper, not some computer document and if it did have to be typed out on a computer, a hard copy had to be made no matter what. Apparently, it helped him think clearer and plus my brother detested how technology was 'taking over our lives'. The funny thing about that was he adored watching T.V. shows like Star Trek or The Walking Dead and when it came to video games... Let's just say my brother had an unhealthy obsession with Skyrim, to such an extent that my dad had often hidden the game from my brother in order to make him stop playing it and do more important things, like say sleep. My brother was a born contradiction, but I loved him for it.

"Tara, there's someone at the door for you," my mother trilled out, while I tried not to wince at the sound. You think I'd have gotten used to it again after four days, wouldn't you, but apparently that was not to be the case. But could I say a word about it? Hell to the no. God forbid I'd work against my dear mother and show 'complete and utter disrespect'. The irony of it all of course was that in this situation respect only went one way, and not the way that suited me either.

"Right let's get started." My brother told the rest of the group as he stuck their set list onto a nearby wall before I walked up the stairs of the basement and disappeared from their view. Looking around our green hallway with all our family photos plastered to the walls, I found that my mother was nowhere to be seen, so assuming she hadn't let Grace in yet I headed towards the door. Then again, how could it be Grace? She wasn't supposed to be back for another week. Maybe something happened and she had to go home early. I doubted that theory though. I knew it wasn't Sarah because that girl wouldn't even bother knocking, I mean she had my house key for Cripes sake! It could be Matt, I supposed, but what would he want?

Imagine my surprise when I opened the door to find Aaron standing on my doorstep, wearing a ski jacket and a black hat with those ear flaps and a bobble on top of it. Normally I thought those hats were just stupid, but now having seen him wearing one, I was forced to reconsider my stance on them. Stop letting him influence your decisions! It was really not a good thing, not at all.

His cheeks were slightly red from the cold and a smirk was currently spreading across his face at my slightly shocked expression. Truth be told, a little voice in the back of my head had suggested that it might be a rather sexy new member of the student council waiting at the door but I'd brushed that aside, believing it to just too improbable. I mean yeah, Christmas Day was the most mind-blowingly amazing day and we had been texting back and forth and such since, but I wasn't silly enough to think that he'd bother his coccyx crossing the town just to come see me.

"Aaron, hi." I said, as I looked at him as if to ask what on earth was he was doing here. I mean, don't get me wrong I was freaking over the moon that he had decided to grace me with his presence, but I was still puzzled as to why.

"It's snowing." He said as he gestured to the white clumps of matter falling from the sky, leaving a thick blanket on the ground.

"Yeah?" I said, still unsure of where he was going with all this. I mean it had been snowing most of winter, granted not to the same extent as it was now, but the fact still stood. Why did he feel the need to point it out to me now?

"What do you say to going to Dawson's Creek and making a huge snowman with me? Some of the other guys are coming too." He tagged on, as if I wouldn't have said yes at the thought of just the two of us out in the snow. To be fair, if anyone else had asked me I probably would've said no, not because I didn't like building snowmen, which I really did, more that I just didn't like getting hypothermia in the process. But because it was Aaron, and because I fancied the pants off him like the complete and utter idiot that I was, I found myself saying;

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