✨chapter 3✨

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It has been a week.... Now everyone is busy in their own works.... Vansh is busy in meetings... He has to do Riddhima's work also.... Riddhima is busy with Vanya...

These days Riddhima also got company  because rayan has no classes... But today his college reopened so she has to spend full time with Vanya.... The thing that she is a working women....

So she probably herself engaged in office work so she didn't sit here and there without doing nothing... But now she is really pissed by sitting home without doing anything...

But she is happy that she got time to spend with both her muchkins...

Riddhima goes to check whether vanu is studying or not ....

But the scean in front of her realise that her lovely daughter is sleeping for a long time that she not even realise her mother is standing infront of her with bloodshot eyes...

She wakes vanu up and gave a deadly glare to her....

Va: momma.... I don't know when i slept.... I am really studying harder... You can even ask me question... Now i am serious about exams....

Riddhima sighs as she know she started to study nowadays genuinely... But she has to make a pocker face otherwise she know that this little atom bomb will surely utilise her mother's soft side for other not good purposes....

R: now go and wash your face.... Go to park for a walk for 30 minutes after that you have to return to study.... This time I will not call you as before.... Let me see how much serious you are about your studies without my push up....


Rayan reaches his college.... As always all girls are looking at him without blinking their eyes but he ignore them as always....

Suddenly a voice came from behind turns his attention towards the voice...

M: so the topper came...

Rayan thought to ignore him as he know that he didn't ignore him now it will lead to heated argument between them as always.... But today he don't want to create a scean that to in front of whole college in morning...

M: oh so you afraid of me....

To all"see you guys the rayan raisinghania finally accepted his defeat"

All the people present there to start laughing... Then also rayan don't gave a damn to them and decided to go to library to fetch some books....

But next word from that person make loss rayans last ounce of temper....

M: what happened you afraid.... Like your father afraid of your mother... Oh sorry how can I forgot that you are the son of that man who even don't have the audacity to question his own wife.... So the son of him also like him only....

But little he did know the power of vansh raisinghania in underground... That fact is still unware of his whole family.... Then how will he know about it...

Rayan ran towards him and punch his face four times leads him to land directly on the ground.... His nose is swollen due to the punch and blood is continuously flowing from his nose.....

All the students know about rayan being a short temper.... But they didn't saw this face of him that he always maintain a calm yet dangerous face....

If they talk thousand nonsense about him then also he replay them back with same sarcastic tone so that their tongue got tied and they can't even answer him back.....

He sit on his stomach and was about to punch him again but the principal ran towards him and withdraw his clutches from that boy.....so that their fight will stop here...

Rayan look at that eye with blood shoot eye and said " if you ever dare to utter a bad word about my papa na that will be your last day not in college but in the planet.... It's my promise to you asshole i will surely wipe your existence from this planet mark my words"

Saying so he walk from there without even looking at the people present there...

Principal " i am already warned you more than hundred times that don't provoke him.... But you have the habit to poke nose in others matter.... So you deserve it .. but pray to god that he don't inform vansh about it i really don't know what will he do to you if get to know about it"
Saying so he also left from there....

Now the anger in him increase thousand more times... Always this happens whenever he try to show him his place he will feel him that he is the most stooped person in this entire college....

Because of rayan all are making fun of him.... Only because rayan takes his place in studies that he has maintained from lower primary.... He always hold the first in his class who ever comes...

But rayan enters in the college as a new student.... He not only loss the first place in studies.... But students started to mock him in this matter"

Genuinely he has no personal problem with rayan.... But continuous mocking from the college's lead him to hate rayan...

But when he decided to make rayan feels that what he feels now.... But his plan backfires and it only leads more humiliation to him...

Now this is the last ounce of his soft heart.... Now he hate for rayan isl
from the bottom of his heart.... He will go to that much extent that will leads to rayan goes weak and he will loss everything like he lost...

Ayan yes the persons name is Ayan.... He is now sitting in the beach to get some peace... After today's incident his own parents started ti question his own ability....

Truth to be told they gave him the good upbringing....

But they didn't try to hear his side story.... If they ever listen to him... It will not be that much complicated...

Every villian is not born to be a villian but situation leads them to become a villian.... They also has the soft heart that they hides from others...

( This is the truth of our society.... They always know how to make fun of other rather they will not try to boost them....)

He sit there for a while and wipe his own tears... And was about to left but someone stops him..

A: look brother i have to go... Give me some way...

If you gave me some time I have the solution of your problem....

*So what do you think about the mysterious man? And why he approached Ayan?

* What do you think about ayans character?

So here I am informing you that this story will contain very small riansh sceans in starting... So it will give more focus on rayans character and his bond with parents....

I also want to know you guys are genuinely interested in this story or not.... As far as I know you don't gave that much support now that you have gave in season 1.... If this story is  not interested I will unpublish it ....

Thank you ❤️

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