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Blake POV

My mom visited me again and asked me if I already did something to rid my cheating wife. I told her I already left the house and shut off my phone so she can't contact me.

She told me that the guy in the picture came from a wealthy and hierarchical family. She didn't seem to understand how the hell my cheating wife knows that guy? I mean they are very private people. Knowing those royal one's, they love to hide their circles and secretly do something.

Then she showed me another batch of pictures of my wife with that guy again. This time in the picture they seem to be talking really closely with her face almost an inch from him. I fisted my hands as I wanted to surpass the anger that was rising again within me.

"How the hell did you get these pictures Mom?" I asked her as I can't understand why she's so fixated on knowing my wife's secret.

"I have some sources!"

"Can your sources be trusted?" I asked her.

"Of course! They will not be called paparazzi for nothing!" She answered me.

"Your source is a paparazzi?" I was shocked.


"Then that guy must be a very big shot for the paparazzi to follow him!" I said to her,

"That's why I told you! Your wife might know about it, that's why she was with him? My sources said that he came from a very rich family!"

I really don't care about the richest because I have my own. But I don't understand why did my wife do something like this? Did I lack on giving her everything? Because as far as I was concerned I showered her with so much material things. Isn't it enough for her?

But why is that, each time I give her gifts she will tell me to stop cause she didn't want it. Instead to save the money for the future. Is she just faking it?

For two years we have been together. I thought I knew my wife better. I guess I am wrong in that matter.

"You better do something with that wife of yours! I don't want her to get something from you or our family! Did you sign a prenup before you married?" She asked me and shook my head.

"Of course not! You are blinded by her angelic face! I should have known that kind of face only hides their demons inside!" She hissed.

"You need to contact your lawyer and do something! You are our only child Blake and I don't want any girl just to take my hard work money for herself! I didn't work my butt off just for a girl! Remember that!" She said to me,

"Frost!!" Someone shook my shoulder as I came to reality again.

"Thompson what up?" I asked him.

"Hmmmm, actually you need to know something!" He said but a bit hesitant.

"What is it?"

"Your wife is in the VIP room! Watching our play tonight!" He said that my blood boiled in the process.

The nerve of her to come to her? Like as if nothing happens? What happened in the house was not enough for her? Then I will do things here so she will understand that I am damn serious about not wanting to see her.

"I need to go!" I said as I went to the direction of the VIP room.

I know the guards will let her in since they know she's my wife. Also she always came and watch my game so it's not new to them seeing her here.

As I get near the room I can see her clearly talking to Althea. They are talking so seriously at each other that she didn't even notice me getting near her. I approached her and I noticed her dark circles beneath her eyes.

Why should I care if she got her sleep nicely or not? I haven't had decent sleep ever since I learned she cheated on me. It's the reason why I sleep with different girls and get drunk so I can forget for a moment and sleep.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her as I was finally in front of her.

"I came to watch!"

"Watch? I don't want you to cheer on me!" I said to her,

"Then can we talk?" She said look at me.

"Really? You still have the decency to say something like that? What a slut.?" A girl's name who I can't even remember. I slept with her a few times. What I didn't understand was how she get inside the VIP room. She must have sort of a connection to be inside her.

But for now I don't care about that. Instead of caring, I grabbed the girl's face and kissed her passionately. Then someone grabbed my arm and stopped me from what I was doing.

"What the! Your wife is here?" Evan of course stopped me.

"Fucking I don't care! She's not my wife anymore! If you come to talk then talk but I don't really care. I told you, I already have someone. I want you out of my life and I don't want to see your face ever again. See this girl?" I said as I pointed to the girl next to me. " She's more fun in bed than you. I don't even know what I see in you. That I choose you over those girls before clearly can give me the satisfaction I need. I guess love can make you blind. But not anymore because you are nothing to me. You are just a mere slut who wants money!" I said to her,

I don't know what gots into me. How did I get the courage to say something like that to her? And I even kissed a girl that I don't even remember the name of.

I saw her running away like she was being chased. I know I hurt her badly this time. And I don't care. She hurted me first. She should be the one to be ashamed of, not me.

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