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Blake POV

It feels like an eternity on the journey to my way home. I keep complaining to Evan to run the car faster since I can feel that something is not right.

I know I don't have the right to say this. The reason that everything messed up is because of me.

I know I am such an idiot for believing only the pictures. That only measures what kind of husband I am. But I need to make things right and that will start to amend my mistakes for her.

I don't care if I have to beg on my knees or if she is going to punch me, hurt me physically, I don't care. As long as I still get to see her and be close to her, it's enough for me.

What I don't want to happen is that she will walk out the door and will never forgive me for being such an idiot.

How am I going to let her stay after everything? I don't know but one thing for sure I will do anything, everything just to have her love and trust again.

I didn't wait for Evan to park the car properly. I just jumped out and quickly ran out to get inside our house.

When I opened the door , silence greeted me. I looked around and looked for her but I saw nothing. So I went upstairs to our room but there was no shadow of my dear wife there.

I looked in our closet, hoping that her belongings were still there. I was overjoyed to see that most of her things are still there. But then, I realized something, the things that are here are the things I bought for her. But her belongings that she personally bought are all gone.

I opened the drawer one by one and I saw a small book. I can say it's a pregnancy book because of the cover. I opened it and I saw ultrasound pictures. My heart melted looking at the tiny black dot.

Without thinking I held it close to me, hugging it in process. I swear I will keep this or even put this in my locker room. 

"I just hope mommy will forgive daddy! But don't worry, daddy will do anything in order for mommy to forgive daddy!" If someone can witness me, they will think I am crazy. Talking to a picture can be considered craziness right?

"Blake, do you see your L?" Evan said once he submerged in the room. He looked around to find my wife but I saw disappointment in them too, just like me.

"No! She's not here!"

"But her things are all here, look!" He said as he pointed to the closets.

"Yeah! She left behind all the things I bought for her! She only takes the things she bought by herself!" I answered him.

"Oh, did you say something to her? I mean why did she not take all of this? Look at the jewelries and the signature clothes, shoes and bags. She can earn a lot from this!" He said while pointing at the things that I bought for my wife.

"I did say something hurtful to her being a gold digger, that she's after my money and everything!" I said. His eyes turned wide as he couldn't believe what I said.

"You said that?" He said still shocked and confused.

"Hmmm!" I nodded.

"If she's a gold digger she would have taken all of this. As what I see in your wife she's far from it. Even though you showered her with lavish and flashy things I didn't see her wearing this extravagantly, she always prefers the simple clothes and accessories to wear!" He said and I can agree with him.

My wife she's more into simple things. She would always complain about how I spent too much of my money from buying unnecessary things. When I bought these things, she would say what are you thinking? Do you know how many people are in need of money, those people that are suffering from poverty? And you are just wasting it for this? It's not like we are going to die without this!" She would rant about it and repeat it again and again till I promise her that I will not buy anything expensive again.

But of course I did not listen at all. I mean if you only have one wife. There's nothing wrong spoiling her, right?

"Yeah, she's a very simple person!"

"Then why did you say something like that to her?"

"I was blinded by my jealousy and hurt. I only focus on the pain I feel when I see the pictures. I am such an idiot for believing something like that!"

"No, you're not just an idiot but more than an Idiot. That's why I keep telling you to rethink again. Don't do something stupid nthat you might regret in the end. As married couples, it's normal to have a fight. But don't ever believe anything about anyone. You need to see it with your own eyes! Judging from the looks of your wife, she doesn't even do social things much more than flirting?" He said and I looked back at all the things that happened. 

It's true that my wife never does social things. My parents have been complaining to me about it, how much they invited her and that she just turned it down. Because she doesn't like to go to parties or any social gathering. She always prefers to stay at home. Doing home chores or writing something!

And as a husband, I am happy about it. It makes me feel safe in our relationship. Even my parents are against us. I just let them be, I told them that I won't change my wife because you don't like her. If she likes the way she is, then be it.

Social gatherings are not my thing too. After the game, I always wanted to go home as quickly as possible. My manager would often complain about it. I just told him that I am not some kind of celebrity. I am just a normal person outside the field. So once the game is over then the fame and glamor stop.

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