July 20th, 2026

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July 20th, 2026

We finally decided to go out and look for some new supplies. We just can't take not having things to distract us, so we are going out specifically in hopes of finding another generator and some fuel to run a tv and Playstation once or twice a week.

I have to admit I am looking forward to it. We have been cooped up in this house for too damn long. It's time to get out and stretch our legs.

We haven't seen any other signs of people since the night we were shot at. I suppose that's a good thing, but as much as it surprises me I actually miss people. Sure, Lucas is a people, but it would be nice to interact with other people, if at least for a little while. I never thought I would actually miss people. Before I never really liked people, they always bothered me. I could go into a store and feel my bp rise as soon as I pulled into the parking lot.

Now that most of the people on the planet are gone I actually find myself missing them, which is really weird. So weird in fact I wonder if there is something wrong with me. Lucas isn't as antisocial as I am, he actually liked going to parties every once and a while. Personally, I think that Lucas is just horny and he's hoping that we will find some girls.

He was always like that, thinking with the wrong head. He always liked to style himself as some sort of ladies man, but in reality he always came off as very cringy. Sometimes I really felt sorry for the guy. I guess I am practical enough not to get my hopes up, that and it would still feel like I am cheating on Elena. Besides I have more important things to worry about and I bet any girl we come across would have different priorities too. I just hope that if we do happen to find some girls Lucas doesn't make an ass of himself. How weird is that I am still worried about something like that?

We are getting the truck ready to go. I am taking a quick break to write this. It will be the first time we took it out since we got here. We decided to put mom's car in the barn. With it gone and the seriously tall grass out front it should look like the house is abandoned. Even the bullet holes make it look a little more warzone-esque.

Elena is still on my mind, but a lot of the sting is gone now. Now it just feels like a dull ache in my chest, either that or I am about to have a heart attack, either way I guess. I think Lucas goes out of his way not to bring her up. I kind of wish he wouldn't. It feels good to remember her now that some of the pain of her death has let up. Of course the bitterness of how she died and my own guilt about not doing more is still there. It will probably never go away.

We will be heading out soon and here's hoping we will find some good crap.

I am thinking they will find more than they were looking for. The next chapter will tell you what they find.

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