October 27th, 2026

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October 27th, 2026

I think the party went off without a hitch, at least if you ask me. It was about a week ago. All three of us drank, laughed and wasted a lot of gasoline and other supplies, but none of us cared. Even the dogs had an awesome time. They got so much food and treats that they were all in a food coma by midnight and I don't think any of them ate at all the next day.

Since that day Lucas and I have focused on keeping Kate as comfortable as we could. The party took a lot out of her and she hasn't been the same since. If there had been any doctors left they would have told us that partying was the last thing that Kate needed, but we would have all told them to go to hell.

There was a price to pay, and I am not talking about the cost in supplies. Like I said we didn't care. But ever since that night she has pretty much been in bed all the time. Her color has gotten worse and she is so tired that she can barely raise her head. Her legs are swelling and it is becoming harder and harder for her to breathe.

Lucas has become very upset with me. Not because I am demanding we wait on Kate hand and foot, but because I am not taking care of myself, or so he says. It's true I spend a lot of time with her and doing anything I can for her, and I am not sleeping. He says I look awful, and I imagine I do, I feel it. I am confident in my body though, it is pretty stout.

Even as I write this I am sitting next to Kate in her bed. She is asleep of course. That is how she is most of the time and she barely eats. The dogs are taking turns cuddling up with her in twos and threes. All except for Chonk. My chubby fuzzball is curled up at my feet. I guess he wants me to know he's got my back.

The days are growing shorter and colder. It is hard to get everything done in one day with Lucas and I taking turns on the chores, but fortunately there isn't a lot to do. Most of the harvesting is done and we have stored up as many supplies as we can. Lucas has been talking about going out on another run, but he knows that's out of the question until, after.

I don't think Lucas understands why I won't leave her side. Hell, until recently I didn't know. Now it is too damn late. I fell in love with this woman and was too damn stupid and too wrapped up in Elena's death to even realize it.

I feel like I owe an apology to Kate. I never realized just what kind of gift she gave me. When she was around I felt alive, for the most part. Seeing her was something I could look forward to, a reason to keep going. Somehow though I never realized it. If only, if only. We would not have had long, that's true, but at least it would have something special for as long as it lasted.

Now I am forced to watch her die, slowly and painfully. In a way this is worse than anything ever was with Elena. At least her death was swift. Kate has had months to think about this. How she managed to hide it so completely I will never know. And here I thought I was a secretive person. Maybe she didn't hide it as well as I thought and I just didn't notice because we were all so busy trying to survive. Now one of the two people I have left on Earth that I care about is going to die.

I am so angry right now. Angry at myself for seeing the possibilities with Kate. How could I not see? Did she send signals and I ignored them? On some level did I see them and chose to ignore them? Was I afraid to allow myself to love someone, or maybe I thought it was too soon after Elena? Lord only knows. I was confused and lost for the longest time.

Chonk's snoring at my feet and reminded me that he is still there. Kate just turned over in her bed. Now that I look at her, her skin seems to be more gray than yellow now. Still, that look of peaceful beauty is on her face. Almost like some sort of blessed grace. She really is an amazing person.

I am not leaving her side, not until...

Only two more chapters to go? Will it get better? I doubt it. Please vote and follow!

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