Kalos to Kanto!!

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Yeah I said that I'll publish the next chapter a little bit late but, I published it as soon as I could. And...I guess it was quicker than my usual updates.😅

(Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie are going to the Kanto region to meet Ash's mom and his all Pokemon! Ash is very excited to meet them.)

Ash's POV
(They've already arrived in Kanto.) 
A/N: sorry guys I didn't write that part it's because, I'm lazy,just like my bestie,Poly!😁 polyanthusprimrose

"Huh! We've finally arrived here!" I said as I walked down from the plane. I'm soo excited to meet my mom and all of my Pokemon! And I'm beyond excited for introducing my friends to my mom! It's been a little long since I didn't met mom, professor Oak, Mr mime and all of my Pokemon. I wish I could also meet Gary but I think that he would not be there now.
"Wow so this is the Kanto region! It has many Pokemon I've never seen before!" Serena said as she looked around.
"Yeah! And look at that! Who's that Pokemon?" Bonnie asked as a butterfree was flying in the air.
"If I'm correct , I guess that it's a butterfree." Clemont said after taking a good look at it.
"Wow it's so beautiful!" Bonnie said.
"Yeah! After seeing it I'm missing my butterfree." I said with a little sad look.
"You had a butterfree too?" Bonnie asked to me.
"Yeah I had one! It was the first Pokemon I've ever caught! It was so strong and we were great friends." I said.
"Then where is it now?" She asked as she was curious to know about it.
"One day found its partner and then I thought he'd live a better life with its partner. So, I released it." I said as I was having flashbacks from that time.
"Aww! I wish I could see your butterfree Ash." Bonnie said a little sadly.
"It's alright Bonnie. You can meet all of my other Pokemon when we reach my home." I said.
"First let's head to the Pokemon centre. We should give our Pokemon a little rest and we ourselves should take some rest and eat something. Then we can go to Ash's home." Clemont said.
"Okay" we all agreed.
All of us headed to the Pokemon centre . We thought we should go to my home after some rest.
After some eating and rest we headed straight to my home as I was loosing control by my excitement. You know me when I'm excited right?


"Here we are!" I said as we were infront of my home.
"Mooooooom! I'm hoooomee!!!!!!" I yelled as I always do.
"Wait!! Is that who I think it is?" Someone said. After that someone came out. "I think that it's mom!" I said.
Suddenly, a broom with lots of dust on it and someone pushed me.
"Uhhhh!!!!! What's this???" I said as I coughed.
I looked and it was mr mime!
"MR MIME!!!!!!! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME???" I yelled at him.
"Mime mime mime!!" He apologized. But it looked like he was teasing me. Uhh! He always pisses me off! I hate it!
"Ash, is that you?" Mom came out as she was coming to hug me.
She hugged me tight.
"O...o.....h g....ggg......od, I......I.......c..... can't b......r....eaaa...t....h!" I said as I felt like I was going to die!.
"O.. oh! Sorry Ash! It has been a little long since I didn't saw my little sweety son so I got a little excited!" She said as she pinched as squished my cheeks.
"Oh come on mom!! You 're embarrassing me!!" I said as I felt embarassed infront of everyone.
"Oh, you also bought your friends with you!" Mom said looking at them.
"Hi auntie! My name is Clemont as this is my little sister Bonnie!" Clemont introducef himself and bonnie.
"And this is dedenne!" Bonnie introduced dedenne.
"And I'm Serena!" Serena introduced herself.
"Hi everyone!! My name is Delia Ketchum and I'm Ash's mom! Nice to meet you all!' she said.
"Nice to meet you to auntie" every one said.
"Hey..... Ash you didn't told me that you've found yourself a girlfriend!" Mom whispered in my ears.
"M.....m..mooom!!!!!" I yelled.
"So tell me, who is she then?" She asked me with a snug face.
"Uhh.....uh she's ......kinda...or maybe....my ....."
"Girlfriend right???" She said as she interrupt my talk and teased me.
I had no words to say so I stood there quit. What else can I do? She is right! Serena's my girlfriend.
Serena was giggling there. I felt extremely embarassed. But ya know, she looks kinda cute when she giggles! Heh!
"Ok forget about it! Come in! Lets eat something! And you're timing is great because I just made some cookies. I guess that you'll love them!" Mom said as she was going straight to the kitchen.
"Wow really! Thanks mom! Guys come in" I said as I lead the way to the living room.
"Here you go! Some tea and delicious chocolate cookies!" She said.
"Thank you auntie!" Everyone said.
Serena took one a took a bite of it.
"Wow this is so delightful!" She said. By the looks of it I gues that she really loved it. Her expressions explains it. Mom's cooking is... the best!
"Hey Serena! Can you come with me for a minute?" My mom asked to Serena!
"Yeah sure!" Serena stood up from the sofa and walked towards mom. I don't know what's mom intending to do but I was pretty sure that she's trying to embarrass  me. Oh god why is this happening to me??

Serena's POV

Ash's mom called me as she wanted to have a chat with me. You see Ash's mom seemed so kind and sweet. She's like Ash! Always excited and energetic.
"Serena can I ask you something?" She asked to me"
"Yes what is it auntie?" I asked
"Umm...soo....are you really Ash's girlfriend?" She asked me with a low tone.
I blushed hardly as I was confused about what I was going to say.
"Oh! You're blushing, You're blushing!! That means it's true!! Oh I'm soo proud of my son for finding such a pretty girl!" She said.
I blushed again. Ash's mom was soooooo sweet!
"T...thank you auntie!" I said.
"Y...yes?" I asked.
"You don't have to call me auntie anymore ok? Call me mom! I love that feeling!" She said.
"Call you....m....m...mom??" I said as I was gonna burst!!!!
"Yeah! I'm sure that you're going to become my future daughter-in-law!! So call me mom! I should be more comfortable like that." She said.
"Future daughter-in-law?" Okay! Just forget it I'm gonna faint now!

Ash's POV

"Hey guys why don't we go to professor Oak's lab and meet all of my Pokemon from other regions?" I asked everyone.
"Yeah! Lets go!" Clemont and Bonnie agreed.
"Hey Serena! We're going to professor oaks lab to see my Pokemon! Aren't you coming?" I asked.
"Oh yeah let's go! We'll meet you later mom!" Serena said. Wait she-
"She called me mom, she called me mom!!!!! Serena, welcome to the Ketchum family!!" My mom said excitedly.
Serena giggled and we started to get going. I can't beleive she called my mom 'mom'.
What did mom said to her anyways? Huh! Whatever! I should forget about that.


"Wow this is professor Oak's lab? It's full of Pokemon! Everywhere you look it's all Pokemon!" Bonnie said excitedly.
"Yeah isn't it awesome?" I asked.
We decided to walked inside and suddenly, something came and hit me!

TO BE CONTINUED....................

(Thank you for reading guys! Sorry if there were any spelling or grammatical mistakes. And maybe...it's only a maybe, I'll update late. Who knows if I'll be able to update like this. As you know tomorrow will be Eid-ul-Fitr. And May 5 is my birthday! So...maybe I'll update on May 7 or May 8. Not May 6 because I don't know..... I said this before,I'm lazy like my bestie! Hope you loved the chapter(◍•ᴗ•◍)!)

Word Count:1380

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