I am sorry,I failed you

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When he was out the door it took me a minute to figure out what just happened.

I decided I would go and follow him

'I wonder what's so big shouta had to go check it out?'I wasn't far from him so I run fast so I could catch up but right in the middle he started running fast at the end we both ended up at the front of the school doors, were there was thousands of reporters.

"ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GIVE US ALL MIGHT!!!"the woman reporter said 'wasn't she the one that tried to get information from me when we walked away?'

"HE'S HERE SOMEWHERE!!!"she kept on yelling on how all Might was there"We said it's his day off"present Mic tried to tell them that all night wasn't here but they didn't listen "just give us one good comment on record and then we'll leave"another reporter said "I know how you people work give you an inch and you'll want a mile" the reports still weren't having it but then one of the reporters sall me "HEY,YOU AREN'T YOU THE KID WE INTERVIEW EARLIER!!!"then the other reporters and the other teachers looked at me "I-i"

"TELL US A BIT ABOUT ALL MIGHT!"Aizawa was starting to get annoyed and pulled you behind him "LEAVE MY STUDENTS OUT OF THIS YOU'VE ALREADY GIVEN THEM ENOUGH OF A FRIGHT TODAY!!!"some reporters decided to take pictures

Present Mic suddenly leaned in and whispered to present Mic but you couldn't hear what they were whispering about
After a bit of going back and forth with a reporters,The police finally came.

"THAT'S A WRAP GET THESE VULTURES OUT OF OUR STATION"present Mic yelled to the police

Back in the classroom

After the whole incident everyone was back in their classrooms and Deku and Momo we're in the front of the class ready to pick the class officers. In the end Deku decided to get Iida his position and no one really complained about it besides Momo saying under her breath that she has more points than him

The day ended and we all went home

Principal nezu pov

I was at the front of the gates where a big gate that was now crumbled down to the ground "how were ordinary members of the press able our security systems"I said allowed pondering and pondering "someone else must have been behind us, some villain actually managed to infiltrates our school"

'this is not something normal... Is there somebody's declaring war on us or was this just a joke'I kept on thinking

"But what's this a show of power or declaring war..."

Y/N pov

I was finally done with school and on my way to go pick up my siblings but when I got there...

"I'm sorry but those kids are already picked up today..."the lady behind the counter said
"What do you mean they were already picked up, I didn't send anybody to pick them up today?"I was overall confused I mean I could have been the only one to pick by a man named F/F/N F/L/N, he said that he was their father so I let them go"I was shocked that they didn't ask for any proof or calls me at least"WHY WOULD YOU GIVE THEM TO HIM?!"I was overall pissed off at this

"Well he had birth certificates and family photos..."I stopped'he played the family card...'

I sigh'd "I'm sorry for yelling at you but I better be on my way they may be and I hear for a few days I'll call you if they're not able to come..."I left without letting her say another word

I started walking back to the hotel'Ugh, this ain't good what am I going to do should take a break off of work for tonight so I can figure out something from my knowledge they were only picked up 2 hours ago so they haven't been missing for 24 hours so I can't call the police and I have no idea if he switched locations but I guess I'll check after I drop my stuff off and change'
I got back to the hotel changed and left to go back to where we used to live but when I got there.there was a sign in front of the house that said sold "FUCK!"I started crying falling to the ground,I kept hitting it over and over again.Intel somebody touched my shoulder "Y/N,are you ok?"I was shocked to hear somebody when I turned my head around I saw "Shouta!?!?"I jumped up and turned my full body around to look at him"yeah,I'm perfectly fine just not in the best mood"he looked at me up and down

He clearly didn't believe me but I had a feeling he just didn't want to push"well you should head home it's getting dark and say hello to your siblings for me okay, kitten"he said giving me a light smile "sure and I'll see you tomorrow"I said giving him a small smile back "of course I am the teacher hahaha"he gave me a light chuckle "okay well I hope you have a good night"

"You too"he then walked away

Aizawa POV

I didn't believe a single word she said but I had a feeling she just needed some space. Of course sooner or later I'm going to have to figure out what's wrong.

Y/N pov

Couple of hours later

I was back home worried sick, I had no clue if they were okay so I turned on the news to see if anything popped up and then something... Something very disturbing came up

"Hello everyone my name is CA wood and I come from your local news, today three bodies were found at ****** this man right here killed them and here are the victims"

"Hello everyone my name is CA wood and I come from your local news, today three bodies were found at ****** this man right here killed them and here are the victims"

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"His name is F/F/N F/L/N"

"His name is F/F/N F/L/N"

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"There names are Rosalie L/N,Iris L/N and Anil L/N, we have been told that they have been dead for at least 3 hours and yes the murderer has been captured and is in prison rig-"I turned off the TV and through the remote across the room

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"There names are Rosalie L/N,Iris L/N and Anil L/N, we have been told that they have been dead for at least 3 hours and yes the murderer has been captured and is in prison rig-"I turned off the TV and through the remote across the room.I Brock down on the ground crying for a bit but the fact that this is no time to cry,I got up reluctantly and went to the bed and I feel right on it crying all night...

"I am sorry,I failed you"


I literally cried reading this,I am so sorry I did this but there is a reason why...

Rip Rosalie L/N Iris L/N and Alin L/N

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