Epilogue Part Five

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Two weeks later...

I released my hair from the constraining bun I had messily put it in. There was nothing like taking your hair down after it was up so long. I stretched my arms as I walked up the hill to my house from the schoolhouse where I had just finished teaching.

I still lived with my family for multiple reasons. It made the most sense for my situation as I work at the village school and love my family. There's no reason to move out for now. Of course, Kuzco and I have talked about our living situations after we eventually get married. He has to propose first though, I'm starting to think he never will but patience was never my strong virtue.

Anyways, I finally reached our home at the top of the hill and went straight to my room to change into fresh clothes and clean my face. One of the younger students was sick today and sneezed all over me. It's lovely when you can see the mist of snot go everywhere, including on your clothes.

"Mom? Dad?" I called as I walked through the house. I mumbled to myself about their strange absence as I searched different rooms. "This better not be another prank...I will not be held accountable for my actions if someone scares me..." I paused to see if a sound would be heard or if someone would step out but despite my loud words, no one made an appearance.

Maybe they simply decided to go on a spontaneous adventure with the kids. Figuring it must be so, I walked towards the pantry to find a snack. Opening it up, my hand automatically went towards the chips but I paused after noticing something attached to the bag.

"Huh." Stuck to the bag was a folded piece of paper tied to a red string that led somewhere beyond my sight. I waited a moment, for anyone to say it wasn't for me, then shrugged and flipped open the paper.

I knew the best way to ensure you saw this was to put it by the food. Remember when we went to Mudka's Meat Hut and your dad and I pretended to be newlyweds? Anyway, follow the string to lead you to our date tonight.

- Your dashing llama

I laughed recalling that hilarious moment when Kuzco was a llama. I can't believe I forgot that it was our date night tonight! It was our second anniversary today so it made sense why he was going a little over the top but we both agreed to keep it casual.

I quickly grabbed my poncho and the gift I got him for our anniversary before returning to the note to follow the string. It led out the kitchen window, somewhere outside.

The next note ended up tied to a tree at the base of the hill. I smiled, excited to see what he wrote in this one.

I love looking like a complete idiot with you. Remember when we were dancing in the village square and tripped into the fountain? Or when you pretended to be a palace guard by painting yourself like one? You've never been more attractive. Follow the string!

- Your best friend

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the giggles as I pictured those two days. As I followed the string, it led me into the jungle, the same path that went to the palace. I guessed Kuzco was taking me to our spot that we found in the jungle. It was a small creek that was fed by a channel of the main river. The pool of water was full of lily pads and the trickle of water running down the rocks replaced the silence.

This place was like a sanctuary as the large trees surrounding it covered the area like a roof. We had a lot of our dates there where we would talk or play games.

The next note hung in the air across the path between two trees, impossible to miss. I had to jump a bit to reach it.

Hey, shorty. Remember when we ate that pie your mom made and then found out it was for the orphan fundraiser. Yeah, not our proudest moment, but it was a really good pie. Keep going.

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