Part 4: The Rise and Fall of a Superpower | Information Gathering

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February 28

Coast of Zion, Seiren Kingdom

Two days after the Battle of Iloa Sea, more than four thousand captured soldiers of the Altian Empire have been forced to stay behind due to the lack of accommodation. For now, they are sleeping in the 20 sailing warships. For now, there is no problem with their food supply, as the Altian army still has food that they brought themselves. However, it was obvious that they would eventually run out of food. That is why the SDF members are now reducing their daily meals.

The same is true for the Japanese, where there is not enough food to last long enough for everyone living at Zion, including POWs, to eat three meals a day. Therefore, the base command decided to reduce the consumption of shelf-stable battle rations as much as possible, and decided to procure some of them locally.

"I can't catch anything..."


Four SDF members were fishing at a beach on the outskirts of town. Some of them had been given the task of procuring food locally, but of course they couldn't rob the locals, so they mainly collected wild animals and wild plants.

"You suck."

"Oh, fuck off!"

One of the members teased his comrade who hadn't caught a single fish yet, and the teased crew member was frantically watching where his line would fall. In addition to gathering fish, shellfish, and other marine products, the JGSDF members and US Marines were also gathering wild berries, wild vegetables, and hunting wild animals such as deer and wild boar in the mountains and forests.

After that, the four of them continued their fishing. After five hours of fishing, they had finally accumulated enough fix to fill two-thirds of the cooler box.

"Good... that's enough for now."

"Only a few small fish, but I'm sure they'll make everything taste better if we send them to the supply department."

After collecting a certain number of fish, they quit fishing. The time was approaching noon and evening, and the sun would be going down in about an hour. They headed for the Humvee parked nearby to return to base. As they were loading their cooler boxes and fishing gear into the vehicle, they heard a voice calling out to them.

"Japanese soldiers! Wait!"

"...? What?"

A high-pitched voice came from somewhere, and a young Seirenian girl came running up to them. The young girl, out of breath, looked up at the face of the soldier standing in front of the Humvee. As a "resident of the noble island," the Seirenians have a well-developed face, despite their young age.

"Um... I heard that you are in need of food, so please take this!"

The girl said, and held out a bag of potatoes to the team members. The people of the Seiren Kingdom have changed their view of the SDF after they repelled an all-out attack by 1.731 ships, from "a strange army from a remote country" to "a god of war who appeared from the place where the sun rises."

"Ooh, thank you. I'll take it without reservation."

They smiled, took the gifts, and got into the car. The girl waved to them as they walked away, and the four smiled and waved back. The citizens of Zion looked at the SDF with reverence, offering them food and sometimes worshipping them.

"We've got another offering."

"I'm getting an itchy feeling... we're on a roll, jeez."

"Well, it's better than being treated like a crap. It's easier to work here, and I don't feel bad about being treated like a war god."

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