The Truth About the World

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Finally, the truth of the 'transference' is told by the mouth of the Apostle. Murata listened to her words with bated breath. He had never imagined that he would be the first to arrive at the answer that the Japanese government had been pursuing.

"In short... a natural phenomenon."


Murata stood there, dumbfounded at the words. Looking at his stunned expression, Geral continued her explanation.

"The phenomenon of moving something to a different world is not particularly unusual... Well, it's not often that an entire country is transported to another world..."

Murata was again surprised by the truth that 'otherworldly transference' is not an uncommon phenomenon. The transference that led Japan to an unprecedented national crisis was a mere natural phenomenon that had no meaning whatsoever. He was stunned, but Geral continued to explain.

"Every world has a trigger device that sends something to another world or attracts something from another world. Of course, your world has one too. In this way, each world is exchanging information without knowing each other. New information from different worlds is the key to further development. This is the system that the gods have devised."


At this point, Murata notices something. It was that her explanation answered several questions that Japanese researchers had.

First of all, the reason why the fantasy creatures and demi-humans that inhabit this world have almost everything in common with the legends of their world, because the 'legends' that are prevalent on Earth were brought from other worlds through the transference that has been occurring until now. It is even possible that elves caught up in the transference really existed in medieval Europe. The Japanese term "kamikakushi" (spirited away) can be considered to be a phenomenon similar to otherworldly transference.

Secondly, the reason why the germs and viruses in this world are almost the same species as those in the original world and cause the same contagious diseases is probably due to the fact that various microorganisms have jumped to each world through transference. It is possible that each world shares the same microorganisms across time and space.

"The 'Material Realm' in which we live is like a tributary that suddenly appears and disappears, following around the two eternal rivers, the 'Realm of the Gods' and the 'Realm of the Dead.' The Gods see each Material Realm from the Realm of the Gods in which they dwell. Sometimes they interfere... And they give the title of Apostle to prospective candidates in each world, and give them various roles in that world. Among them, I was given the role of repose of the souls sunk in the sea."

The earth and many Material Realms including this Terralus were, so to speak, like tributaries that appeared and disappeared on a whim. The 'great river' connected to these tributaries is the Realm of the Gods and the Realm of the Dead, two higher-dimensional worlds. It is said that the higher-dimensional being called God, who resides in the Realm of the Gods, often creates tributaries and makes them all similar to each other. Murata, having heard this explanation up to this point, envisioned a possibility.

"...So it is possible that there are Apostles in our world as well?"

In Earth, too, there are figures such as Yaobikuni and the Count of St. Germain who are legendary for their immortality. Murata had a hypothesis that they might have been the Apostles in this world.

"...I don't know. Usually, Apostles are chosen from mages, so I wonder how it would be in your world where there is no magic or magical power."

Geral responded thoughtfully, putting her hand over her mouth. It seems more likely that these are just made-up stories.

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