Far North Resource Survey Mission

694 37 1

May 4

Lebameno Federation, Northern Border of the Cattleya Branch

Two days after leaving the capital, a total of 33 members of the resource survey team finally arrived 600 kilometers northeast of the capital city of Sactoa. The team arrived at the village of Papanikolau, a village facing the northern border of the Cattleya Branch at a distance of 1,5 kilometers. Six tracked vehicles, including a Type 10 snowmobile, were unloaded from the backs of five large trucks of the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force parked on the outskirts of the village. The vehicles and equipment mobilized for this resource survey are as follows:

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Rotom Subcontinent Resource Survey Team Equipment and Vehicles

- 5 large trucks

- 3 Type 10 snowmobiles

- 1 Antarctic snowmobile (SM100S)

- 3 Type 73 medium trucks

- 1 Type 73 heavy truck

- 1 boring machine

- 1 BTR-D

- Various other equipment such as spare fuel and various weapons

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The BTR-D, a Russian armored personnel carrier, is primarily tasked with fighting off ravenous animals. Beside the loading and unloading operations, the land crews who were not participating in the work were receiving lectures from Russian soldiers.

"The Kalashnikov (AK-12) is used in the same way as I explained to you the other day. Well, I think you have a general idea..."

Lieutenant Leontchev of the Russian Army spoke to the group of GSDF crews holding an AK-12 a Russian-made assault rifle. In accordance with an agreement between the Russian Federation and Japan, the AK-12, which boasts outstanding durability and works without problems whether wet with snow or muddy water, was loaned to the SDF by the Russian Army as equipment for SDF personnel participating in the survey mission as an escort. Each member of the unit, holding an AK-12 in their hands, was explained to them by a Russian soldier while actually holding the weapon and checking the location of the safety device to see how it felt to use.

The survey team was divided into two groups at Papanikolau Village. One is the 'exploration team' that will go into the uncultivated areas to search for mineral deposits, and the other is the 'standby and liaison team' that will remain in Papanikolau Village to prepare for unexpected situations and, in case of emergency, to contact the Japanese headquarters and help the exploration team.

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Exploration Team


- 10 + 1 resource surveyor

- 5 Ground Self-Defense Force personnel

- 2 Maritime Self-Defense Force personnel (medical staff)

- 10 Russian army soldiers


- 2 Type 10 snowmobiles (one for transporting cargo and tents)

- 1 Antarctic snowmobile (SM100S)

- 1 boring machine

- 1 BTR-D

Standby and Liaison Team


- 5 Ground Self-Defense Force personnel

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