Holy Rovance Papal State 2

667 36 2

October 31, 2029

Papal Palace Parlor, Rovance Delight

Pope Innocent III gave a welcoming speech to the envoy sent from Japan. The three foreign affairs diplomats are a bit surprised to see him showing a business smile that does not seem to be that of a strictly religious man.

"...My name is Touji Higashisuzu, Plenipotentiary Envoy of Japan."

Higashisuzu stated his identity and offered his right hand for a handshake. Innocent took one look at his right hand and shook it enthusiastically, as if he was a businessman meeting with a client's executive.

"You must be tired, having traveled a long way. Please have a seat," Innocent urged the three Japanese to sit in their chairs again. They then sit down in their respective chairs, facing each other with a marble table between them.

"But it is quite a showy visit with four such huge warships in tow, isn't it?"

It was the Pope who opened his mouth first. He spoke of four destroyers lined up off the coast of the capital. At first they disturbed and frightened the inhabitants of the capital, but when it became clear that they were not going to do anything, people were relieved, and the coast was crowded with waves of people who wanted to catch a glimpse of them. Among them is a journalist from the Telecommunications Company. The first contact between Japan and the Holy Rovance Papal State is good current news for them.

"We are sorry. We made a mistake in the past... But more importantly, what we came here for this time..."

Higashisuzu quickly cut to the main topic of his visit to this country. He then explained that three weeks ago, three Irulans came to Japan to threaten the Emperor, the head of state, with the conversion of the entire Imperial Family to the Irulan faith and a declaration of their conversion to the Japanese people as a whole. He described the attempted invasion of the Imperial Palace in which they were attempting to kidnap a certain member of the Imperial Family by breaking into the Imperial Palace.

"...I see, how unbelievable...!"

The Pope marveled at Higashizusu's explanation with a look of surprise on his face.

"Then, you didn't know...?"

Deiro Piermeter, the only survivor of the three, had already testified that he had done it on orders from the Papal State, and the three of them were taking an attitude of nonchalance. The Pope was feeling a sense of blandness.

"Yes, I am ashamed to say..." Innocent replied with a frown.

As usual, he never lost his attitude that he had nothing to do with it.

"One of the intruders we have in custody has testified that he committed this crime on orders from the Papal State..."

Osawa, one of the delegation, quickly pointed out that there was a discrepancy between the intruder's testimony, which had been obtained by the Public Safety Bureau of the Metropolitan Police Department, and the Pope's attitude.

"...It seems that your country has been greatly inconvenienced by the reckless and senseless actions of some radical believers who have perverted the contents of the scriptures. Perhaps there were such laymen in the Papal State as well. I am very sorry to hear this."

In spite of Osawa's suggestion, Innocent never revealed his involvement, maintaining that it was the sole decision of his subordinate.

"I see..."

Higashisuzu mumbled a few words of understanding. Naturally, he was not at all convinced by Innocent's explanation in his mind, but at the same time, he could not pursue the matter any further since there was no evidence that his words were false. Feeling a bit annoyed, he took the meeting to the next stage of fact-checking.

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