Episode 1.1

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young folks // peter bjorn and john teenage kicks     //   the undertones ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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young folks // peter bjorn and john
teenage kicks // the undertones

CECILIA RESTED HER CHIN ON THE CROWN HER BOYFRIENDS HEAD as the pair, along with Michelle, Clare, Orla, and Erin, stood around the Quinn's desktop computer set, ready to watch the film they'd spent the whole summer making.

"And, play," James said in a cheery and pressed the enter key. Nothing happened.

"Play," James said again, maintaining his optimism as he pressed the enter  key once again.

Again, nothing. At all.

"Play," his tone was a little less optimistic as he pressed the key for the third time. He did it again when nothing happened and then again and again and again till –

"Oh, for fucks sake," Michelle exclaimed and leaned forward in an attempt to take control over the keyboard when the computer, as if fearful for its own life, finally began to play their film.

A photograph of the six of them taken right after the prematurely left the Clinton rally appeared on screen. It then zoomed into a picture of her.

"They told us we were young," Cecilia felt Michelle lightly punch her shoulder as her voice played over the mellow sounds of bagpipes.

"Yet we understood the enormity of it. We understood what was at stake."

The film switched between clips of absolute chaos and Erin Quinn – the human form of absolute chaos.

"Our fear was replaced with something altogether more terrifying. Hope."

The mellow bagpipes transitioned into thunderous drums as the clips of Orla swinging around a pole of a streetlight transitioned to one of Michelle somersaulting towards Clare who placed a flower crown on her head.

"Hope is so much worse. With hope you have something  to lose – "

When the footage circled back to the picture of the six of them the video suddenly began to glitch.

"Oh, for fucks sake," Michelle groaned for the second time in under thirty seconds. "What's happened now?"

"Your computer is such a piece of crap," James informed Erin.

"No, it's not," Erin defended her shitty computer. "Your camera's the problem."

James' mouth fell open. "My camera's   top  of  the  range!"

"It's true," Michelle nodded. "His  ma only sends him really expensive shit, you know, to make up for the fact that she doesn't love him."

"Michelle!" Cecilia chided.

oh, cecilia Where stories live. Discover now