Episode 5.1

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supercut                 //                lorde why did it have to be me? // abba ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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supercut // lorde
why did it have to be me? // abba

"AND YOU'RE SURE YOU'VE GOT EVERYTHING?" Tiffany asked as Cecilia sat down at the dining table her light blue duffle bag laying on the floor as she placed eggs and bacon onto her breakfast plate.

"Yes." Cecilia replied.

"Absolutely sure?"

"Yes!" Cecilia repeated a little louder as she poured orange juice into her glass.

"You know there's no turning back once you've left this flat."

"Bloody hell, ma!" Cecilia exclaimed putting her fork and knife down. "Yes! I'm absolutely sure I've got everything! I'm going to Portnoo with the Quinn's for the weekend not smuggling bloody drugs out of the country!"

"Watch your language, Cecilia." Tiffany said taking a bite out of her sunny side up. "I'm just looking out for you."

"Well that would be a first." 

"What was that?" Tiffany looked up with a stern, scary look that sent shivers down Cecilia's spine.

"Nothing." She mumbled stuffing her mouth with bacon and eggs to avoid answering any more questions.

Cecilia was quick to finish her breakfast and throw on her denim jacket, allowing her father to hug her before she could leave for the Quinn-McCool household.

"Don't forget to take the box of chocolate chip muffins before you go." Her mother said as a way of bidding goodbye to Cecilia who nodded in understanding before walking out of the flat and down to the bakery where she found a white box waiting for her on the counter.

Cecilia sighed, pulling the strap of her duffle bag higher up her shoulder before grabbing the box and walking out of the bakery.


"IT'S SO BLOODY LOUD OUT THERE!" Cecilia complained as she walked into the Quinn house, slamming the door shut behind her which muffled the sounds of the marching band before making her way to the kitchen where the Quinn-McCools sat along with Clare. "I could barely hear myself think!"

"Hello to you too, Cecilia." Mary said as she watched Gerry try his best to shut the bag with the big clock in it.

"Mammy sent chocolate chip muffins for the trip." She placed the big white box that contained a bakers dozen worth of muffins, cracking it open and allowing the smell of the freshly baked goodies to spread all over the home.

"I didn't know you were coming too, Clare." Cecilia said as she sat down on the chair beside baby Anna, poking her chubby cheek making the toddler giggle.

oh, cecilia Where stories live. Discover now