Episode 2.3

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A DEAD SILENCE SURROUNDED the Quinn's living room as Mary Quinn glared daggers down at the girls, James and Orla, who had managed to squish themselves in the one small sofa.

"How did you find out?" Michelle asked with her thin arms stubbornly crossed over her chest.

"It doesn't matter how she found out, Michelle," Clare said in a panicky tone. "That's not what's important. What's important is that we are all deeply – "

"Her mother rang me," Fionnula pointed two of her fingers towards Clare.

"You told your ma!" Cecilia yelled.

"Okay, I cracked," Clare slapped her thighs. "I couldn't handle it and I cracked!"

"For fucks sake, Clare!" Michelle exclaimed as Cecilia fell back into the sofa with a quiet huff.

"Enough!" Mary, who was dressed as a fifties all-American housewife for some reason, held her index finger to tell them to be quiet. It worked.

She then turned to face Fionnula. "Where do we go from here?"

Fionnula took in a deep breath. "Mary, look, you're family – well, you're good people – well, you're decent people. But I have to set an example."

"No," a look of horror dawned on Mary's face. "Dear God, no. You're not talking about a ban."

"Yes," James whispered and Cecilia slapped him on the chest.

"Let's call it as suspension. I'm sorry, Mary."

"Ach, Fionnula. What about you?" Remarked Sarah McCool, having appeared out of seemingly nowhere while wearing an outfit that was walking the thin line between ugly and classy.

"I thought I could smell vinegar," she continued. "I'm just on my way to meet our Colm here – I'm a nervous wreck. We're doing this interview, you see, for UTV. I'm going to be on UTV, Fionnula."

"Save your breath, Sarah," Mary cut her sister off before she could embarrass herself. "There'll be no free chips. There'll be no chips full stop."

"Excuse me?" Sarah asked.

But Mary had turned her attention back to Fionnula.

"What do you expect me to do on a Friday, Fionnula," she questioned. "Cook? You expect me to cook?"

"You could order pizza," Fionnula suggested.

"Pizza is not as nice," Orla said.

"No," Mary nodded. "You are right, Orla. Pizza is not as nice. Maybe you should have all thought about that," her deadly expression changed to a desperate one as she turned to look at Fionnula once again. "Is there nothing we can do?"

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