Episode 4.1

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merry happy //  kate nashthis love (tv) // taylor swift━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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merry happy // kate nash
this love (tv) // taylor swift

TIFFANY STOPPED TAKING CECILIA TO CHURCH with them every Sunday- for a lot of reasons starting from Cecilia's protests to Cecilia falling asleep during the sermon when she was forced to attend- in exchange for her taking the morning shift while they were out. She was quick to agree.

Gloves covering her hands, Cecilia pulled out a freshly baked loaf of bread and placed it into a brown paper bag before handing it over to the elderly woman behind the counter.

"Have a nice day." She smiled to the woman as she put the money into the register.

After the bell above the door rang indicating that the woman had left Cecilia turned around and poured a cup of coffee and placed the mug beside a plate of sugar covered waffles on the steel tray.

"Morning, Cillian." She greeted the man who was looking out of the bakery window as she placed Cillian's breakfast in front of him. "Anything else?"

Still looking out of the window Cillian shook his head and Cecilia nodded, walking back behind the counter ready to prepare herself a cup of coffee when the door opened once again and her parents walked in.

"How was church?" She asked, leaning over the counter.

"Well, there were no smirking statues so..." Her father chuckled as he helped his wife take off her coat and Cecilia rolled her eyes.

"Very funny, daddy." Cecilia mumbled as her father greeted Cillian, who seemed to have paid not notice to their entrance as he continued to look out of the window. "He's been like that all morning. Not said a word."

Her mother hummed. "Did you get the mail?"

"Oh, yeah," Cecilia dug her hand into the pocket of her apron and took out two sheets of paper that had been stapled together, handing it over to her mother with a smirk on her face. "Letter from Liam."

"Why are you making that expression?" Tiffany asked as she took the two pages from Cecilia. "What's in the letter."

"You'll find out." Cecilia crooned, choosing to keep the fact that Liam had an English girlfriend he met at uni to herself, as she took off her apron. "I'm going to go over to the Quinn's to meet the Ukrainian girl that's staying over."

"Okay." Her father said as he watched Cecilia who was ready to run out the door. "Don't forget to wear your helmet."

"Right." Cecilia spun around on her heel and sped up the stairs to her room, grabbed her helmet and dashed out the back door where her bicycle was parked.

oh, cecilia Where stories live. Discover now