Episode 1.2

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campus // vampire weekend breathe (tv)   //   taylor swift ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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campus // vampire weekend
breathe (tv)   //   taylor swift

CECILIA ANXIOUSLY CHEWED ON HER NAILS as she leaned against the cool metal of the Third Bridge.

"Try to enjoy what time we have left," Erin exclaimed as she paced back and forth in front of them. "It doesn't even make any sense!"

"It means we've failed, Erin!" Clare yelled. "It means no GCSEs, ergo no A-levels, ergo no university, ergo the end!"

"Ergo, wise up, Clare," Michelle said.

"You're overreacting," Erin told her as though she too wasn't overreacting mere seconds ago.

"I knew I should have cut ties with you lot a long time ago," Clare told them.

"It's not our fault!"

"Of course, it's your fault," Clare got all up in Erin's face. "You've dragged me down to your level! Your stupidity has rubbed off on me! I was a scholar when I met you, Erin, a scholar!"

"You were three!" Erin spat back.

"Our lives are over!"

"I wouldn't say our lives are over!" Erin shook her head slightly.

"No, no, she's right," Cecilia shook heard as she pointed her shaking index finger towards Clare.

"Jesus, not you too," Michelle muttered under her breath.

"Passing those exams were our only chance," she shook her head. "We're poor! We're girls! We're from Northern Ireland and we're Catholic for Christs sake!"

"Oh, my God, they're right!" Erin ran her palms over her face. "What type of future will we have?"

"We don't need to worry about the future, girls," Michelle told them. "If we fail, well, our ma's are gonna fucking wipe us out, and dead people don't need jobs."

"Oh, thank you, Michelle," Clare panicked. "That's incredibly reassuring!"

Cecilia buried her face into her palms and let out a loud groan before plopping down on the stairs. James scooted over to her and wrapped his arm around her to comfort her.

"How bad do you think it is?" Erin asked. "Like grounded bad, or...?"

"Run away from home bad?" Michelle completed.


"And if it is run away from home bad, I'm afraid I will need my snorkel back, James," Orla said.

Cecilia lifted her head with many questions in mind. They ranged from why James needed a snorkel to why Orla thought a snorkel would be needed.

"Okay," James said. "Let's not panic."

oh, cecilia Where stories live. Discover now