Episode 2.2

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CECILIA SPENT FIVE MINUTES pacing outside the doors of the chip shop before deciding to get her shit together and walking in where, much to her relief, Erin and Orla were already standing and giving their orders.

"Any luck with the trust fund?" She asked her two best friends.

Erin shook her head. "Apparently, we have no funds at all. What about you?"

"Nope," Cecilia nervously shoved her fists into the pockets of her jeans. "Honestly though, I keep all my sewing equipment in an old ice cream tin, so, the chances of me having a trust fund weren't really high to begin with."

"You," Fionnula growled at the sight of the red head, sending shivers down Cecilia's spine. "What do you want?"

Cecilia nervously pulled the slip of paper from the pocket of her jeans and held it towards Fionnula, who snatched it from her.

"You're looking great today, Fionnula," she said with a nervous smile plastered across her face. "Glowing, really. Is it yoga because I read somewhere that – "

"Shut it," Fionnula said and walked into the greasy kitchen as Cecilia nodded.

"I can't believe you threw tea at Fionnula," Erin said, sounding disgusted at the action.

"It's not like I did it on purpose," she scoffed as she tucked her curls behind her ears. "It was an accident!"

"You do hate her, CeCe," Orla said.

"No, I don't, I'm just......I just don't like being around her," as the words left Cecilia's mouth, the door to the chip shop opened and in walked Clare, looking as defeated as the two other girls.

"No luck with the trust fund, then?" She asked Clare.

"No," Clare said in a dismal tone. "According to my ma we're actually quite poor."

"Aye, I think we might be as well," Erin said and Cecilia nodded in agreement.

"What's yours?" Fionnula nodded towards Clare after she returned to the front counter.

"Uh, can I p-please get one — one fish supper and one curry butty special, please, Fionnula, thank you, please?" Clare said nervously and quickly.

"It'll be ready when it's ready," Fionnula said curtly.

"Well, Jenny Joyce was talking through her fat hole about this trust fund thing," Michelle loudly announced her presence as she marched in.

"What's yours?" Fionnula asked the only girl in all of Derry who was just as (maybe even more) hot-headed than she was.

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