Sad memory

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George POV

Next day I finally woke up. Today i had a day off. I remember last night calling Clay... God Clay is just amazing, he is so friendly and kind and caring but funny and flirtatious at the same time. 'Ugh clay is so amazing, I can't get him outta my head he is jus-...wait... oh no... I THINK I HAVE A CRUSH ON CLAY' my head went all over the place, 'But how? I've only know him for about a's gone too quickly... and even if I did like him he wouldn't feel the same, oh well I already know so much about him in just a week...well maybe that's because we hang out so much and he always takes me to nice places to eat and he especially makes sure I'm safe. I've never met a guy that has ever done that'

After having a chit chat in his head about Clay, George remembered something about his past that he wished never happened.

Last year, December 23

Today I was so happy! It was 2 more days until CHRISTMAS and I just bought Daniel the BEST Christmas present EVER. The Christmas present was a locket that had a picture of me and him having a snowball fight, my sister gave me that picture. Me and Daniel had been dating for 2 and a half years, we trusted each other to the point where we have keys to each others houses. I was on my way to go and deliver my present to Daniel so he can put it under the Christmas tree. As soon as I arrived at his house I took out my keys and opened the door. I quietly made my way to the living room and what I saw scarred my eyes.

On the couch I saw Daniel and a random guy with black hair making out with each other. I froze I stood there for a couple of seconds until they noticed me. "George! I- uh I-I- it's not what it looks like!" My eyes were flooding with tears threatening to fall out "w-who is t-this? AND WHY WERE YOU PRACTICALLY FUCKING HIM!!!" He stayed silent " we're over! And never even dare to look at me! I NEVER want it see you LYING LITTLE CHEATING ASS FACE EVER AGAIN! Fuck you.." I opened the door and sat outside on the porch tears were coming out of my eyes like waterfalls and my cheeks went red with anger. 'I trusted him so so much' I looked at the box and opened it as I saw the locket 'we looked to happy together...what did I do wrong' I took the locket and placed it on the floor. As soon as I placed it I stomped on it over and over and over again until it was broken into smithereens. 'I can't believe I trusted you, HOW STUPID AM I TO FUCKING TRUST YOU...I'm such a disappointment...' I left the little bits and pieces of the locket outside of his house as my tears made puddles in the ground and I started walking back to my house. This not only ruined my night, not my day, not just my Christmas but my whole fucking life.

Back to present time

I didn't know I was crying from that memory until I felt my hoodie was wet. I wiped my tears of my face and went to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. For breakfast I had some pancakes with syrup on top. For the rest of the day I just watched TV and some YouTube and did absolute jack shit. It was 4:04pm and that was around the time that school ended. About a few minutes later I heard a bing in my phone.

One message from 'Clay'


Hey George! Just wondering if your free to hang out later today?


Yeah I'm free! what time do you want to hang out?


I dunno maybe 4:45 -5:00 if that's alright with you?


Sounds perfect! Where we gonna meet up?


I'll drive to your place <3



I blushed at the heart that clay put at the end of the message. 'Lord, he is so perfect' I looked like a slob with me just wearing a pair of joggers and a hoodie but it was comfy so I decided to keep it on, because I know Clay wouldn't mind

30 minutes past and I heard a car pull up into my driveway. I looked outside and saw Clay coming out of his car wearing a hoodie and black jeans. Before he got to ring the doorbell I opened the door. "Hey" I said with my hand in my sleeves creating sweater paws. He looked down at me in awe as he started blushing "h-hey" he said back and I went in for a hug, standing on my tippy-toes and rapping my arms around his waist as he hugged back. I went out of the hug after about 5 seconds and let him inside.

"So, is there any reason you wanted to come and hang out with me, did you need to say something or need help with something or did you just miss me" I said with a smirk on my face. " I just missed you" my smirk dropped not thinking that he would actually say that and my cheeks went red. He started giggling at my reaction. "Awww I'm just so amazing that you can't even last a day with out me" I said in a semi-sarcastic tone. "Yeah, pretty much" he replied again. I was just stood there in shock. "are you on drugs because I would never expect you to say something like that unless you are high or drunk" he started wheezing at my joke. "No no, im fine, am i just not allowed to say the truth" I just stayed silent "anyway, I think you look pretty cute in what your wearing" he said. I blushed so hard I covered my face with my sweater paws. All of a sudden while I was hiding my face I felt a hand pull my hand away from it. "Now what did I tell you about not covering your face! I want to see your beautiful face" he said with a smile. I blushed even harder.

All of a sudden I hear my phone go off and I read who is calling me 'no caller ID' it said. I answered it anyway


"Hello Georgie"

My face dropped

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