...Go away Daniel...

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George POV

"W-why are you calling me, I don't want to speak to you" george said with fear

"But Georgie I miss yoouuu"

"Go away I don't ever want to see you again" George said with a shaky breath

"But I know where you live, you can't hide away from me forever~"

"Your a filthy liar and cheater!"

"But Georgie I said I didn't mean to, and I miss you" he said devilishly tone in his voice

Clay was standing next to me listening to my words In response to the caller, he had a very worried look on his face

Tears threatened to come out of my eyes with fear

"Oh Georgie I'm coming for you~~~..."

"Go away Daniel, I'll call the police if you ever enter my view!"

"I'll see you soon~~~" he said creepily almost whispering

I started crying and my heart was racing, my hands were shaking and I dropped to the floor.
"George!, what's wrong, who was that on the call??" Clay asked worryingly. I couldn't respond because I was so scared, I opened my mouth but no words came out

"Can I go to your place instead" I said with a shaky breath. "Of course, I'll get you there as quick as I can!" Clay agreed. I slowly stood up feeling dizzy with my cheeks red from the tears that are still running down my cheeks. Clay helped walk me to the car as we started to drive off. The ride was silent, my body was trembling. Clay saw I was worried so he lightly put his hand on my thigh in a reassuring way and didn't take it off until we got to his house.

As soon as we arrived, he opened the door, took me upstairs and put me on the bed to rest.
I ended up sleeping for 4.5 hours. As soon as I woke up clay was sitting on the other side of the bed scrolling on his phone still with a worried expression on his face. I slowly sat up and clay immediately looked over "are you alright?" He asked quietly "...not really" I said truthfully. "Who was on the phone if you are alright answering that?" I was thinking whether I should tell him or not "well a couple of years ago, I had a boyfriend... we were dating for 2 and a half years. It was December 23 and I wanted to deliver a Christmas present to his house for him to open on Christmas. We had keys to each other's homes. So I put my key in the door and walked into the living room and I saw him roughly making out with a random guy...he was cheating on me...I trusted him...anyway that was him on the phone..." my eyes started tearing up again "he said that he knows where I live, he misses me and he is coming for me, he is like a crazy ex boyfriend" tears started rolling down my cheeks again. "Hey, it's ok, I'll get you to safety and I'll protect you" he said reassuringly why resting my head on his chest we both fell asleep.


The window was smashed open with a loud bang, I shot up from where I was lying and looked around my room seeing Daniel standing right in front of me, holing a large knife with blood on it. I looked to my side and Clay was there bleeding, he was dead.... I started crying as I looked over at Daniel " I'm coming for you Georgie because I missed you oh so much~~" Daniel said " LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!" I said making a pool of tears "but Gogy I missed you so much" he said coming closer to me, and I cringed at the nickname he used to use back when we were dating "don't you EVER call me that! And stop coming closer to me!" I screamed and yelled. He came closer to me with a long piece of cloth, and quickly he picked me up and wrapped it around my nose and mouth suffocating me.

I jumped ip in shock, making Clay flinch as well. "Hey,hey, hey, what's wrong??" He asked politely "so sorry, it was just a nightmare!...Clay...will you keep me safe?" I said thinking it was too much to ask for "of course George, I would kill myself if it meant you would be safe" he said reassuringly "thank you so much! Your are the best!" I said praising him.

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