Might make my move tonight

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Clay POV


I slowly woke up to my phone alarm going off at 6:15am. As I turn off the alarm I look down to see George lying on my chest and our legs tangled together. I smiled in awe at how beautiful he look right then and there. I mean he always looks beautiful if I were to describe what flaws George has no words would come out of my mouth because he is absolutely flawless. Apparently George didn't wake up to the booming alarm that the aliens on Mars could possibly hear. I lightly tap him "hey Georgie...wake up we have got to get ready." He slowly started to shuffle around and groan. He squeezed me tight and finally rolled over. "C'mon we've got to get up and have breakfast" I said calmly "I don't have the energy to get up" he complained "fine then, I guess I'll just have to pick you up as carry you downstairs" I said while smiling. I slowly sat up and walked towards to where George was lying. I placed my hand around his back as he put his arms around my neck. I slowly lifted him and he wrapped his legs around my waist "...are you ever going to wake up" I giggled "no" he muffled into my shoulder with his eyes closed but still awake.

I bring him downstairs and place him on the counter and let go of him "noooooooo" he complained "I can't carry you forever George" he laughed "yes you can" he groan "no I can't now I'm going to make some waffles wake up or you're not getting breakfast" I said jokingly "ugh your so meannnn" he said as a joke. I scoffed lightly and put the waffles in the toaster. After about a 15 minutes we both finished our breakfast and a glass of water finally made George at least wake up a little bit. "We can go now if you want because then we will get there early and we can hang out in the cafeteria" i suggested "oki" he replied cutely.

Time skip

The bell just rang and student started coming into the classroom. "Hey Mr.Block, how was your date with Mr.Davidson!" Minx yelled "I'll tell you if you stop shouting" I said while laughing "ugh fine". After everyone had settled Minx asked if I could tell them of what happened. "Alright, so yesterday me and Mr.Davidson went to a café and a young waitress came and asked us what we wanted I said 'I would have a cup of coffee and a cookie' right and then Me.Davison was in the middle of ordering and SHE HAD THE AUDACITY TO INTERRUPT HIM AND ASK ME FOR MY NUMBER! Anyway I was thinking like 'god this stupid bitch' and I said 'sorry I'm taken' and then Mr.Davidson looked at me confused because he actually thought I was taken for a second and this bitch of a waitress was like 'well I don't see her' and I was like 'he is right in front of me' and of course I was lying because like I don't need women I only need men so she got really embarrassed and FINALLY asked Mr.Davidson what he wanted and then after we ate it was about 8pm and I asked Mr.Davidson if I could take him somewhere... somewhere special and this place is like really special so I took him there and he thought I was trying to murder him and I was like WHO TF WAS WANT TO MURDER SOMEONE AS GOOD LOOKING AS YOU. Anyway I took him to this place and as soon as I showed him he was in utter shock because this place is like a cliff edge that points out to the sea and it was night so you could see all the stars. Then I lay down on the grass and so did Mr.Davidson and I told him all the constellations I knew and then I tried to guess his birthday and ON THE FIRST TRY I GOT IT RIGHT!!! and then after that I told him about how much I actually talk about him in class and then he said things like 'you do so much for me...and I haven't given you anything in return yet' and I felt guilty because he doesn't need to give me anything in return so I said thing like 'I do these things not because I need to but because I want to. And I do these thing to make sure you are happy and safe' then he started getting emotional because apparently someone had NEVER said something as sweet as that. I mean I was shocked because he is so amazing that I would expect people would tell him that everyday but apparently not. Then we went back to my place and I went to sleep and Mr.Davidson fell asleep on me. God he is a gift from heaven. Then this morning my alarm woke me up but I didn't wake Mr.Davidson up so I had to wake him up myself and as soon as he partially woke up he didn't have the energy to get up so I had to pick him up with his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist and when I tell you it was the cutest thing ever...I mean it. Then I put him onto the kitchen counter about to make him food and then he complains because I stopped carrying him and he wanted to be carried my me MORE I was so happy but I didn't because I had to make breakfast and after breakfast he finally woke up a bit more and now he is in school"

The whole class just sat there in shock

"Oh My God he definitely likes you back! YOU HAVE TO ASK HIM OUT!!!!" Minx shouted in excitement  "well I don't really think he likes me back I just think I'm obsessing over him a bit" as soon as I said that the whole class just face palmed them selves. "Mr.Block you are more blind then a blind man" Sapnap said. "Yeah! He definitely likes you back!" Tommy said. "You guys really think that?" I said a bit confused "Definitely" they all said in sync. "Well, I might make my move then tonight" I said nervously. They all cheered "ABOUT TIME" Ranboo yelled "alright, alright, calm down and let's get done with work or I'll probably be fired" I giggled

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