Part 8

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It didn't take long after handing Principal Snyder my magically conjured resume for him to go about vigilantly ringing my fake references provided by the council. After which we9 got my employment legal and proper with the signing of documents including one referencing my dual citizenship and a conspicuous waiver about accidental death out of school hours. I signed away and after an hour we had decided that since it was Thursday, I was to start Monday and show up tomorrow for an orientation from Mr. Giles- at least I had an excuse to discuss the many questions he most likely had for me. soon enough I was able to get out from under Principal Snyder's leering gaze which sent shivers up my spine- most definitely not in a good way.

As I walked past the library on my way out before lessons ended, I thought to stop in and discuss my plans with my new watcher but decided against it.

Buffy doesn't need me invading her space this much.

Besides, she had to be home by three to answer Aunty Joyce's call; if she didn't there would be hell to pay.

I continued my walk hoping to see more of Sunnydale whilst circling back to the summers house. But again, my lack of knowledge hampered progress.

I probably should have waited for Buffy to walk home I hope she went home- don't need aunt J on my back.

When I finally did make it back the sun was low on the horizon and my watch said 5:30- if Joyce was home early, she would be furious. I gritted my teeth and opened the door. ''hello?'' I called timidly to the house.

But there was no reply- Christ.

I sucked in a gulp of air as I walked into the living room and found the answering machine was flashing. It was like being presented with a beehive that had a key to freedom inside. I pushed my finger down tentatively preparing for Joyce's tart-toned fury that would bubble and erupt when she got home.

''hi, girls! I guess you studying which is good- though I don't know why you can't answer the phone I only spoke to you- never mind. Anyway, a shipment came in early to the gallery and I have to sort through it tonight- I shouldn't be any later than 10- and I expect Buffy to have her homework done and her PJs ON -it's still a school night. That said have to fun girls''

I let out the breath I was unaware I held back. From her message, it sounded like Buffy had been in time for her mother's check-in and had surprisingly covered for me. hmm.

But as I soon discovered she was not around. She had been here and left but the machine had been flashing when I got back so she hadn't played the message... had she let the machine get it on her way out and now she thought she had four hours to play?

No way.

I ran up the stairs to find Buffy's door locked. I pressed my ear against the wood and listened intently with my heightened hearing- not a breath. My face twisted as I chewed on my cheek with some rage building. What the hell was she doing?

I ran down the stairs and quickly pulled a change of clothes from my suitcase: combat boots, camo cargo pants, a cropped grey t, and my black bomber. I went to leave when I felt the rush of the dry night air hit my face; my cheeks tingled with the cold- I grabbed a grey beany for extra warmth since I was probably in for a long walk.

Or not... the notion crossed my mind and my eyes went immediately to my left hand- could I?

I had told myself only for emergencies and then gone and used it twice today already... but Buffy was out patrolling. With no backup. And in emotional turmoil. She could get hurt.

Well, I had talked myself into it.

I shut the door and closed my eyes. I felt the vibrating pins begin to stab at my hand -it was an oddly pleasant pain. My ring finger warmed, and I saw a spectrum of light dance behind my eyelids. A scintilla of golden white pierced the center of the display unmoving. I focused on my breathing first; calming the anticipation that was rushing through my blood. I felt my heart slow with each expansion of my chest. I focused then on the pinprick of light. All other light needed to fall from my mind as I stared into its blinding core.

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