Part 3

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The woman that followed was 5'3'' with her warm PJ's almost wearing her. She had her fists ready to attack the intruder but when faced with the scene before her she had only a look of utter bewilderment. Eyes wide she looked to her mother for answers. When she didn't offer them I was surprised as she looked at the man behind me with the same unspoken question. ''Angel?''

I twirled around to see the sullen man now alive with relief as he looked at Buffy. I swung back again to look at Buffy the cogs slowly clicking in my head. ''Buffy..?'' I questioned looking for my own answers.

''buffy...'' the guy said low and smoky.

''yeah- I said that. Now can someone explain?'' I said dropping the luggage in my hands to the wood floor with a loud thump. The man moved towards the door almost shielding the women inside.

''Lizzie...I-'' Aunty J began but was soon interrupted by buffy almost shoving the man to the ground when she came to the forefront with a startled expression.

''Lizzie?!' she exclaimed.

I put up my hands to slow everyone down. ''Whoa-whoa. Let's get this sorted.'' I began pointing to each of us doing a role call. '' Aunty J- Buffy...?- a guy- '' ''it's angel'' he interjected with a snark pushing forward. ''great-really.'' I said with dry humoured tone. '' and I'm Elizabeth. So with the introductions out of the way may I ask what is going on?'' I asked the heavens almost, running a hand through my hair.

''mom?!'' Buffy tugged on her mother's arm to pull her out of the stupor my sudden appearance had caused.

''uh- yes. Buffy?'' Joyce said still clouded by her shock.

''what's going on?'' Buffy spelt out staring at me with wide green eyes.

''right... um. Lizzie, please come in.'' Joyce said blankly as she walked away to the living room. I went to follow my head spinning with the reveal that Buffy Summers vampire slayer was still alive and well- so what in the bejeezus was I meant to be. I say I went to follow because the mysterious Angel moved into my path. Behind him, Buffy looked around in bewilderment.

''move'' I said with intent. Angel glared down at me and I stared right back.

''let her in'' buffy's small voice came from behind Angel. ''Buffy'' was all he said as he began to move aside still untrusting.

I took the opportunity to gain entrance and follow Joyce. I just caught Buffy as she whispered ''stick around.'' Before she closed the door over and came up behind me. she shot me a look of anger before she moved past me to sit beside her rather flustered mother.

They had taken up the couch so I went and sat in one of the armchairs sinking into its luxurious cushioning. So much so that I had to push myself to the edge with no back support to stop from giving in to its temptation of sleep. This was no time for that. This was time for answers.

''Mom?'' Buffy prompted.

''yes, sorry Buffy. I guess you must be- well, more confused than me'' she said meekly slowly coming around.

''that's an understatement- what is going on? How can this-'' she gestured to me in all my punk glory ''woman be Lizzie- Liz is dead.'' She raised her eyebrows as if she were stating a fact.

''nope baby B. I'm alive and well as you are surprisingly​-...'' I quirked an eyebrow at my cousin whose face darkened with a threat. As in stop talking.

''what? Buffy's fine- why wouldn't Buffy be fine?'' Joyce looked around fretting.

''nothing mom- I'm fine'' Buffy said as she stroked her mother's hand trying to soothe her. She then eyed me to back her up. I dropped my jaw thinking before snapping it shut and quickly rattling off a lie like when we were young.

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