Part 5

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I woke up and groggily searched for the clock on my bedside table. But I wasn't at home anymore. I quickly became alert and scanned the Summers' living room. A clock on the wall told me it was 10 already. I dragged my hand over my face feeling the cold band of my ring slide over my face.

''morning Emric'' I was greeted with a tickle at the base of my skull.

As I sat I examined the room. It all seemed as it was last night- tidy besides me. On the table a note was written on a legal pad with a set of keys.

Lizzie I went to work and didn't want to wake you- there is food in the kitchen, help yourself.

Buffy will be home for 3.-I'll ring to make sure.

I'll be home at 6- play nice!

Great. Three hours alone to explain that there has been a big mix up with the natural order.

I could think about that later I decided. First I had to sort out a job asap. And then find a place to set up- there was only so long I would be able to live with estranged family. Actually first I need a shower. I thought as I smelled my body odour waft into my nostrils. It had certainly been a long journey to get here.

Walking through the house groggily I found the phone thinking to phone Sebastian. My hand stopped when I remembered the time difference. I'll call later. I moved on to find the bathroom and took a long indulgent shower.

I came down the stairs in a towel an hour later and began rummaging through my suitcase for clothes –I decided on a white blouse and a black skirt. Gotta make a good impression. I was off to meet my new watcher- who I guessed would also be Buffy's as she was not dead. Next I opened the older looking trunk of the two which had a hefty looking lock securing it. I withdrew the key from under my blouse where it rested on a black cord next to other keys which I had been determined to keep close on the journey. In the trunk I had a myriad of my supernatural paraphernalia. I rummaged for a minute before I found the bracelet and leather pouch which I needed.

I eventually left the house with a piece of toast in my mouth as I used the house keys that had been left for me to lock up. I took a glance at my wrist watch – 11.30. Before I left I went around back to study the garden. There had definitely been movement last night and I doubted that it was Angel as he had stuck around- to watch me change I thought as it occurred that the vampire had not made the best of impressions. He had been cagey and sulky and he had snuck upstairs, obviously through the window, to chat with my baby B. I was looking forward to having a nice chat with him myself.

There wasn't much to find in the garden – trampled flowers, a scuff on one of the fence panels. It definitely told me that something had been watching something Angel hadn't sensed. Or had not had the presence of mind to sense. But whilst I was there I set to work to do the little that I could. I walked around the perimeter leaving a trail of fine black sand from the leather pouch. If this is going to be my home for the time being I best look after it. Coming to the front porch once more I had come full circle. For a moment I stood. To those passing I would have looked to be staring into nothingness. But slowly within myself I felt a warmth at my centre and I focused on it bending it to my will till it formed a ball. I willed it to leave me. A flash of ice struck my entire body like being plunged into ice water for a split second.

Before me a ball of palest light shimmered in the air like a bubble of my intention. I brought my left hand to it, my face becoming stern as I felt the warmth, I grabbed it firmly before throwing it at the house. The light struck the line like a wall. It then spread, growing to consume the house in its light and forming the guard. My eyes bulged as I forced my energy into the words I then whispered.

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