Part 4

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I turned around when I heard Joyce begin descending the stairs. She slouched with a new weight on her shoulders which provoked a twinge of guilt in my chest. She no doubt had enough stresses to deal with being a single mother without a wayward teen showing up out of the blue.

When she saw me her tired expression struggled to find a smile. Her trip up stairs had been short which no doubt meant that Buffy was decidedly not going to be speaking to either of us. But even so when she came down from the last step she quickly pulled me into a long hug which I eagerly returned as I smelled her juniper and sage moisturiser- the same as when I was a child.

When we separated she took hold of my hands and held me in position for scrutiny.

''well, look at you. My little Lizzie all grown up.'' A melancholy filled her eyes s she took in my appearance. ''you look so much like them- a perfect blend...'' she trailed off as her mind went to another place- another time.

She was right of course. Whenever I looked in the mirror I saw everything as parts of my parents all stitched together. My mother's button nose under almond shaped eyes. Soft cheek bones which were compensated for by a defined jaw. Long legs and body which meant I almost towered over the other summer's women at 5'8''. With curves that I sometimes loved sometimes hated- a solid build I could say to be kind. It wasn't a surprise that I didn't have the Summers' lithe build- my mother had been a very hands on woman with manual labour. And I had inherited the wide hips and large bosom from her side. Flat arse though. And that was only slightly rectified by squats.

Joyce brought me out of my reverie with an abashed ''oh'' I looked at her and she had scrunched her forehead looking over my hair and makeup. I wasn't surprised. I often got some stink eyes when I rarely went out in public. The platinum hair which was messily cut with a short side fringe. My pale pink skin had a fine layer of foundation and I wore thick eyeliner and scarlet lipstick. That and the 7 piercings in my ears and people tended to avoid me. I was probably lucky the vampire helped me.

''oh your hair'' she said as she ran her fingers through the 4 inch length of hair looking for roots. She wouldn't find any. ''oh! And your eyes!'' she fixed on my eyes and I felt the blush creep over my cheeks. ''are those contacts? Honestly, what was your uncle thinking letting you do this?'' I almost laughed. If she only knew Sebastian then she would know that if he could he would have dyed my hair brown and my eyes too if that were possible.

Instead I just smiled as the blush cooled shrugging ''it's the look in Ireland.''

She mock frown before sighing ''oh well, we all have phases, I suppose. I mean you should have seen me when I was young- couldn't get me out of a crop top and mini skir-'' she stopped before revealing anymore waving her hand in the air ''-don't tell Buffy.''

''never, Aunty J.'' I grinned. It was like old times.

''well, anyway. You must come into the kitchen and I'll make us some tea.'' She beamed dotingly before turning to lead the way.

I hesitated, glancing at the door behind us. ''I'll just be a minute Aunty J. I have to bring my bags in.''

''ok then- I'll be in the kitchen.'' And she walked off to busy herself and prepare for the long conversation she was planning to have with me.

I meanwhile, peaked out of the windows finding that Angel had vacated the porch. I wasn't at ease though. With one hand on my stake I opened the door and ventured a few steps onto the porch. It being suburbia the street lamps served to light up the tarmacked streets. Not a soul to be seen. Mo vampires either. With my eyes still scanning the area I grabbed all of my trunks and suitcases to bring them inside with a great heave before shutting and locking the front door.

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