part 9

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The Bronze was … better than I expected.
I flashed a smile at the doorman when he asked for ID. He didn’t stamp me with that obnoxious ‘under 21’ branding. Then when I was In, I was pleasantly surprised to find a nice layout – big dance floor- big cuddle area and a stairs up to the balcony.
I walked over to the bar and the pool tables putting my jacket down on a stool I sat and put my elbows on the bar as I held my head slowly searching through the crowd.
‘Want you to want me’’ by
Played from the speakers and my eyes glided over the crowd; the young and wild Americans.
Men and women but mostly boys and girls fraternised all around me.
A few of the lads looked to be somewhat worthy of some fraternisation… some women too.
Alas, I didn’t have time to mingle.
So my eyes continued wandering the premises without much luck...
Until the dance floor parted to give an unearthly couple space to sway to the shifting music though I supposed the music could have been trash cans and pebbles and they’d still be staring into each others eyes
Buffy had her hands around angels neck almost hanging on for sanity whilst they swayed.
I watched for a while bewitched, like everyone else, by the high school girl and college guy who looked like they had just stepped out of the pages of a great romance. The pale light on the dance floor danced over they’re skin like moonlight. The whole crowd seemed to have hushed just for them as they leaned their foreheads towards one another.
A perfect moment....
Too bad I’m about to ruin it.
I turned around and looked at a clock hanging over the bar that said 8 pm...
I had two hours to persuade buffy to go home with me and leave her undead hottie in order to not die by grounding – something I’m sure Aunty J would be curious about trying.
Shed probably treat me the same- like when we were kids...
The memory of my parents in the car crash bubbled to the surface and i didn’t think i could cope just at that particular moment.
I spun back to the bar and ordered a top shelf whiskey to nurse.
Once it was in hand i rose hitching my jacket on my finger to drape over my shoulder and made my way to the snuggle area. Stepping through the sea of people proved to be relatively easy – they parted for me too.
But not in awe – more likely it was out of fear.
As i swaggered, my hips bouncing with the slow beat of the  music, the people eyed me with caution- some in case i bit whilst some leered... also in case i bit i guessed.
Then over the din of the bar i heard a familiar, slightly winy,
‘’can you believe this- i mean, ‘get a room, guys’’ he jeered to the redhead who was staring at buffy and her beau enamoured by them..
‘’Xander, you don’t have to be so upset about it...’’ she said bringing her attention back to the sullen boy.
‘’no, Willow- i mean, first there’s the whole situation with Buffy’s cousin coming back from the dead and now instead of finding out what the hell is going on those two are having some serious face time-‘’ he wound off like an aggravated cassette
‘’but they’re not kissing...’’ Willow went back to staring at the dance floor like it was the silver screen.
‘’still, their staring longingly- they may as well be sucking face.’’ He grunted sinking lower into his seat- hard to do on a bar stool.
I restrained the smile I had for the immaturity going on alongside the nightmare of saving the world from a hell mouth.
You’ve gotta laugh or you’d cry I suppose…
I took the lull in their conversation as an opportunity to step forward out of the shadows and show myself.
Willow squeaked…
Xander was so busy giving daggers to the oblivious couple that he did not notice me until I threw an arm around his shoulder.
‘’aw, don’t look so glum chum- you might find your prince charming one day too.’’ I smiled over to him jostling his shoulder gruffly.
‘’Jesus!’’ he shrieked jumping away with a few seconds of delay which left me wondering…
‘’not really- I’m Beth- remember – Beth ‘the cousin who came back from the dead’ and is apparently a ‘situation’’’ I feigned concern before unwrapping my arm from his shoulders and perching on a free seat at the high table placing my whiskey on the table.
‘’so, um…’’ willow started before Xander took over
‘’what are you doing here?- are you stalking Buffy still.’’ He spat wrinkling his nose at me.
‘’yes, I used magic to trace her ‘’ I answered frankly now looking back to Buffy as the soundtrack became less titanic and more American pie.
‘’what to what her?!’’ he asked but I ignored him as Buffy and Angel began to approach the table.
She caught sight of me, and her eyes bulged as she clenched her jaw.
I sighed which brought Willow and Xander’s attention to me.
‘’you know,  we’ve been through ‘back from the dead’ and it doesn’t really end well for the ghoul’’ Xander said with a smug smile.
‘’not a ghoul- I have been told I’m the slayer’’ I muttered
I hopped of off my seat to prepare for what I knew was coming.
Angel saw Buffy’s Body become Rigid as she stopped a few feet from our table. He looked around, his expression menacing, for the threat then found me. his face didn’t change from its sour setting.
Wait for it.
I began to walk around the table watching Buffy’s minute movements.
‘’now, Buffy-‘’ I said slowly showing my empty hands.
‘’don’t’’ she bit.
But I continued towards her my muscles rushing with chemicals as I waited for the inevitable.
‘’buffy…’’ Angel whispered beginning to move between buffy and i.
My brows rose challengingly as I continued my approach.
‘’wait- what’s happening’’ Xander stood to attention like a Meerkat.
‘’I don’t know’’ Willow said with her eyes darting between buffy and I
‘’Buffy- I’m here…’’ Angel put a hand on her shoulder and she shrugged it off.
‘’come on, buffy…’’ I tried to reason with her though I knew it was  in vain – she hadn’t changed that much…
‘’I said don’t’’ she took a step away from angel… and towards the exit.
‘’please baby B’’ I said feeling a heavy guilt in my chest for making her so upset.
But I said the wrong thing because she took off toward the entrance. I groaned as I watched her nimbly work her way through the crowd.
‘’leave her alone’’ angel growled.
I gave him a grin before quickly downing my drink witch burned all the way down spurring on into the fray.
Dodging the party animals ands the lost sheep in the crowd felt… like old times!
With buffy trying to disappear because of her height – using her natural assets.
So I kept my eyes on the glittering pink trail – my natural asset- or supernatural asset.
Confident that I could maintain the spell until the door at least I glanced back to see that the sea did part for the ‘angel’. People skittered away like rats from a wolf. They got out of the way so that they didn’t become the prey- and the wolf was definitely after his prey- me.
As he moved he glowered forward and then noticed my cocky grin. His nostrils flared and suddenly people weren’t moving fast enough as he barged through the crowd. His blue eyes were so shadowed by his scowl I thought that his demon might show up in the club.
As I shimmied and slid through the seemingly never ending crowd, i turned back to seek buffy and heard the door of the club whine through the song like an off key soloist. She was out.
I had no time to waste- the magic would wane soon and she knew this place better than me – she’d disappear... and leave me to face aunty J alone- same shit... she hasn’t changed at all.
With the idea of my téte á  téte with Joyce looming i decided to stop playing with Angel- gods only knew where her friends where.
I didn’t have time to be concerned as i broke into a sprint dodging the ambling youth of Sunnydale, i made it to the door and I’ll admit i couldn’t help the smirk on my face when i looked back to see that dear angel had made little progress.
But there was a time and a place to gloat – this was not it.
And so i slipped out into the night chasing the fading sunset trail.

I had caught up to her after ten minutes of putting my new endurance to the test. But the stony wall of silence i was met with gave me little hope towards calming down my cousin.
I sighed and saw her almost bristle with anger.
I rubbed the back of my head making a note of how i irked the teen... by breathing.
Never the less i couldn’t go back to the summer’s without her. And despite how much i wanted to just paralyse her and float her home i wouldn’t do that to my baby b .... and i didnt have the energy left.
A fact  i was reminded of by a growl from my stomach that was accompanied by an insatiable pang of hunger.
I gritted my teeth in an attempt to put the pain out of my mind.
‘’buffy i know you’re’’ but the pain was like being eaten from the inside. I paused in my stride but buffy did not.
The pain grew and nausea followed. I had to stop.
‘’i’m sorry baby b’’ i managed to say before i hit my limit. My knees crashed to the tarmac sending a new wave of nauseating pain through my body which grew ever more frail.
‘’Lizzy?!’’ her voice was frightened and juvenile.
I looked up to see she had stopped and noticed my fall. Then as her arms unfolded and her face opened in concern; eyes wide as all anger fled. She always blooms in the most unexpected places. My baby b....
‘’Buffy!’’ angels booming voice was trailed by two others.
I smiled as i felt the ground tremor with their footfalls.
I lolled my head to see that they were running to her rescue.
‘’why are you smiling?!’’ Buffy hissed as she came down to my side.
cause I’m happy.... you’re alive, Buffy...’’
Her face dropped into shock and realisation.
‘’I’m so happy you’re alive, Baby B....’’
The darkness began to draw in, blurring and then consuming my sight.
The last i heard was a terrible scream as i rest my head on Buffy’s lap.

I hope you enjoy this chapter
Unfortunate life updates (I don't seem to have any other type....)
My grandmother died a few months ago in a very.... Strangely quick way. I found out I am AuDHD on the same day and on boxing my grandad broke his hip.... He's doing OK but I hope you understand
Thank you for reading and staying with me
Bless you and be safe xxx

You slay meOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara