Part 6

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I sat for a good half hour with the unassuming librarian as he went through the arrangement of the stacks and where to find the card index and how to check out books etc. I took it all in as I tried to assess the man's character. He was by all appearances a good man. Well-meaning and pleasant but from the tales I heard and the glint of worry in his eye every time my gaze drifted to the lock up he was a man with a hidden side. Someone I wouldn't be quick to cross.

In the halls, we were suddenly interrupted by the ringing of the lunch bell. A minute or two later three teens laughed as they obliviously entered the room. a petite red head with alabaster skin giggled as she stared adoringly at the high cheek boned handsome brunette boy who had given me such amusement in the halls. The last of the trio was very familiar. Her curled light caramel hair bobbed as she laughed along with her friends.

Buffy's face was bright and care free as she was lost in the moment with her friends. A flash of jealousy stung my chest as I watched them. Laughing together as though they shared everything- though that wasn't likely. Even Buffy Summers wouldn't be allowed to recruit civilians in the battle against evil- no watcher would allow it.

Their boisterous joy quickly stilled when Buffy's eyes locked with mine the youthful energy draining from the trio. Buffy suddenly moved in front of her friends protectively. She wore a pale green camisole top which complimented her eyes, denim crop jeans and wedged sandals. She was dressed for a fight and I suspected that I could take her even if she did attack.

Giles stood a look of concern and anxiety on his face as he looked between his slayer and I. he quickly moved around the large desk towards Buffy. He hesitated in the space between us for a moment stammering vowels as he tried to assess the situation. Before the silence needed to be broken and being a well-bred oxford gentleman, Mr Giles decided it was up to him.

''uh-um. Yes.-Buffy this is the new Librarian's assistant miss- um...?'' it was at this moment that the calm introduction faded to anxiety once more as Mr Giles realised that he had not even asked my name in the last 30 minutes of orientation. It didn't matter as Buffy barked at me then ignoring her Watcher's ignorance.

''what are you doing in my high school?'' her tone was curt and the ripple of her anger could be felt in the air as her friends- particularly the red head- flinched away from the confrontational atmosphere.

Mr Giles lost in no man's land looked between us with building concern as he took a step backwards- in the direction of the office.

I took a pause to look over the two friends who were slowly blocking the main doors to the library. The male who I had laughed at was wide eyed with suspicion as his chocolate eyes darted around- to the exits to his companions, through the port hole like windows to the hall behind. He was handsome with soft boyish features that would no doubt mature to be rugged in a way. His skin smooth peaches and cream he was untouched by the traumas of puberty- superficially at least. His umber hair was neat lacking the usual hair product that most boys were swimming in. I appraised his build finding it to be solid and broad though he hid it under a too large sweater. He towered above his girl friends at 5'9 – 5'10''?

All in all an interesting specimen.

When he noticed my eyes lingering he quirked an eye brow in confusion. I winked and waggled my bros suggestively to him. He blushed immediately which satisfied a dark, primal part of myself and I smiled in triumph.

It was then that my eyes went to the redhead. She had observed the interaction between her friend and I - her jaw was clenched with suppressed anger. My smile faded as I realised I was treading on her toes, all be it unknowingly. She was a feisty little tiger hiding in a mouse's shadow it seemed. Maybe she would one day stop hiding behind the worlds perception of her and show them her fighting spirit which I could clearly see burn in her hazel eyes. There was also something else in those eyes. Something I recognised and saw when I looked in the mirror.

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