- 4 ; mirror

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Somehow, Eddie's trailer was exactly how I pictured it. Not that I minded, I'm not the type to judge other people's homes.

His bedroom was messy yet it seemed as if everything was in the perfect place, like chaotically thought out.

I glanced at myself in his mirror and realised what he'd meant about my mascara, I looked pretty punk.

"Pass me your jacket." I said to Eddie excitedly.

I watched him through the reflection of the mirror, he shrugged his denim jacket off and threw it at me, the first thing I noticed was how worn out it was.

I put it on, instantly blanketed in Eddie's body warmth. The jacket was too big on me and seem to match well with the light colours of my outfit but I sort of liked the way it looked on me.

"Holy crap." Eddie said in awe, stepping behind me and glancing at me in the mirror.

"I look like you." I laugh, not my usual style but I actually looked cool.

"Something's missing." he thinks for a moment, analysing my reflection.

He took his hand and ruffled it through my hair, messing it up a little, he then took my hand and took one of his rings off, sliding it straight onto one of my fingers.

"Perfect, wait there." he orders, and I watch as he scrambles around by the desk at the back of his room.

He grabs a Polaroid camera and blows a layer of dust off of it, he's going to take a photo of me looking like I just stepped out of a Hellfire Club meeting. Perfect blackmail material, picture proof of me at Eddie's trailer wearing his jacket.

But for some strange reason, I trusted him.

He'd been nice to me so far despite what my friends put him through, it just seemed like it didn't bother him. Maybe it really didn't, maybe he was just used to it. That's incredibly sad.

"Looking badass, Wheeler, give me a pose." he smiles, his camera aiming at me.

I did that hand gesture I always see him doing with his friends and I held that pose until the flash of his camera lit up his dim bedroom.

"I didn't get a chance to say this earlier, but thank you for helping me calm down back at school." I smiled softly, sitting down next to him on his bed.

He waited eagerly for the photo to develop, I wanted to see what it looked like too so I began to watch with him.

"Don't worry about it, I'm not the type of person who would've left you there in that situation." he took the polaroid and held it up in front of us both, it looked pretty cool.

"I'm sorry about my friends." I sigh, I'm about to continue but he interrupts.

"Don't be. You're the only one in that group who hasn't been an asshole to me, you shouldn't have to be sorry for their actions."

"I know, I could've at least told them to stop or something, I'm just-"

"Don't start apologising again. You kinda saved my ass a few days ago when I pissed off Jason and you held him back. That counts for something." he says reassuringly, it doesn't stop me from feeling bad.

He began to look as if he was deep in thought, he was definitely pondering something. Then he wanted to say something, but he hesitated.

"... You ever tried weed?" he asks.

I shake my head.

"Do you wanna try it?"

Fuck it.



My surroundings were unfamiliar when I woke up, then I remembered last night.

I was on Eddie's floor, still in his jacket, I guess we'd fallen asleep down here because he was about a metre away from me, still fast asleep.

I glanced over at the clock, it was 10 AM. Shit.

"Eddie." I began tapping him to wake him up, but I quickly learned he was a heavy sleeper.

I grabbed the pillow beside me and whacked him with it, his eyes immediately opened widely followed by him yelling "BOO!", scaring the shit out of me which he laughed at.

"So funny." I say sarcastically, shaking my head. I grabbed my shoes, I decided I'd just put them on in the car.

"I didn't tell my mom I was going anywhere last night, if you don't get me home quickly she's literally going to file a missing person's report." I begin to worry a little.

"Oh, damn." Eddie grabs his shoes and keys and then we're practically running out of his trailer.

As soon as we got into his car, I began to feel a little less stressed, I just hoped he was going to drive quicker than last night.

"I'm gonna have to just drop you off but tell your mom I said hi." he says.

"Will do." I lied, because I was going to tell my mom I was with Chrissy, not Eddie.

I can't tell her that I just spent the night at Eddie's place especially after that dinner where I tried to convince her that Eddie was a bad person.

So, this little trailer meeting is gonna have to stay a secret.

☆ ☆ ☆

AUTHOR'S NOTES: they're so cute i can't AND ALSO we hit 1k reads already?? ty all so much

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