- 24 ; winner

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I've never liked waiting.

I knew school was already over but I was still waiting in the woods, waiting for Eddie. Chrissy had left around ten minutes ago, she had plans with her mom which she realised she was late to. So now I waiting alone, leaving me more worried than before.

My worry was only growing worse as time went on, it had been hours since the fight between Jason and Eddie. I left halfway through so I had no idea how the fight ended, no idea who had won, no idea if Eddie was okay.

I had never doubted that Eddie was a good fighter, it just worried me because if Jason lost the fight he'd find some way to make Eddie's life hell. And if Eddie did actually win, Jason could lie, say Eddie beat him up unprovoked, he had the power to get Eddie arrested and he was the type to abuse that power.

They'd obviously both been caught and were probably in the principal's office right now, I hoped Eddie's punishment wouldn't be too severe.

I didn't care what happened to Jason though, part of me hoped Eddie had actually broken Jason's hands, putting him out of his basketball career was more than fitting for everything he'd done.

More minutes passed as I sat there rhythmically tapping my fingers against the picnic bench, the silence was unbearable and I'd been waiting so long I could've sworn I heard a clock ticking in my head.

I stood up instantly once I heard footsteps, a twig snapping, someone was here. I prayed it was Eddie.

Thank god.

"Hey, princess." he smiled.

I think this is the only time I don't hate that nickname.

He looked barely injured, a small cut along the bridge of his nose and some bruising by his lip were the only evidence of a fight I could see on his face, and then I noticed the redness of his knuckles.

"I was worried about you." I frowned, pulling him into a hug, I felt him leaving kisses on the top of my head.

"Told you we should've skipped." he laughs, stepping away from me for a second, "How do I look? Still pretty even with my nose bleeding?"

"Of course, actually..." I paused, tilting my head with a slight smile, "You look pretty hot, Munson."

"We're back on a last name basis? Ouch." he wipes an imaginary tear away before sitting down at the picnic bench.

"Only fair, you called me princess again." I sit down next to him, "Anyway, what happened? Like- after the fight?"

"We all got dragged to the principal's office, Gareth and Jeff are suspended for three days, me and Jason are suspended for five." he shrugs as if it were nothing, I'm surprised the punishment wasn't worse.

Obviously the fact that Eddie was suspended wasn't good, but he didn't seem to care much and it made no difference really because of the amount of time he'd spent skipping school, this was basically just a free excuse to spend more time staying home.

A little trickle of blood fell from the cut on his nose, he looked weirdly pretty like this, his usually perfect face a little roughed up.

"You're bleeding again, hold on." I began to rummage through my bag to look for the box of bandaids I always carried with me.

"The one on my nose hasn't stopped bleeding since the fight, I'm kinda hoping it'll scar so I can come up with a cool story for it... I'll tell people I fought a bear or something." he ponders.

"Way too small to be a bear wound, gotta make it believable at least." I laugh.

"There's not really any small animals that would make me sound badass for getting into a fight with, hm..."

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