- 15 ; touch

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It was even later into the night and I was sitting on the ledge of Gareth's pool, dipping my lower legs into the cool water which shined a bright blue from the lights in the pool.

I'm too busy watching the little waves of light ripple on the surface of the water to notice the presence behind me, he sits down next to me.


"I meant what I said up there, I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear." he says, gazing into the pool.

"Meant what?" I ask, playing dumb.

I want to hear him say it again.

"You're really gonna make me repeat it?" he laughs a little, easing the tension.

I nod, I needed to hear those words coming from him.

"You're perfect, Val, and I think it's ridiculous that you've never been kissed."

Val. Nobody's ever used that nickname for me before. I think I like it.

His hand edged a little closer to mine as he shuffled closer to me, the coldness of his fingers barely against mine made me take hold of his hand, just wanting to warm it up.

Both of us instantly glanced down at our hands before our eyes met again, and I swear, his eyes were fucking enchanting mixed with the blue light from the pool.

"Why are you blushing?" I ask him, taking note of the pink tint beginning to spread across his cheeks.

"Look, I uh, didn't exactly plan on this when I came out here but... I'm gonna end up real annoyed at myself later if I don't tell you now." he utters.

Please say what I think you're about to say.

"Uh, I know we're just friends and... that's okay. But god, Val, sometimes I really wanna kiss you, which I shouldn't because you're my friend, and..." he finally lets those words slip past his lips, I could hear the slight worry in his voice.


This whole time I had always thought he'd be the more confident one in a situation like this, but right now I could see his nervousness just through his expression, the subtle contact, all of it.

So now here we are, sitting by Gareth's pool under the moonlight, Eddie wants to kiss me.

If only he knew that I wanted that more than anything.

"That night we were in Gareth's room, I really, really wanted to just kiss you but-" he continues, sense of regret in his words as they kept spilling out.

"Why didn't you?" I ask, trying to hint that maybe, just maybe I would've actually wanted that.

"Because I was worried you wouldn't wanna kiss me, and-"

"Eddie." I try to interrupt him but he's certain on getting everything out, maybe I should let him.

I've always found it sweet how he rambles whenever he's excited or nervous, the way he taps his fingers on whatever surface he can find when he's eager to say something. I'd never seen him this worked up before though, I just wanted to tell him to slow down, so maybe I'd get to keep this moment for a little longer.

"And you're my best friend, I really don't wanna lose you so I just decided not to do anything which is why I'm actually a little worried now because I've accidentally just told you all this and by the way it's completely fine if you d–"

My eyes fell shut and I kissed him, to shut him up but also because I wanted to. I really wanted to.

My racing heart seemed to slow for a few seconds when my lips met his, fuck. All my nerves about this being my first kiss just dissipated completely; it felt fucking perfect.

I pulled away momentarily, completely aware of how badly I was blushing, but he was exactly the same. His pretty doe eyes stared right back at me as a slight smile formed on his face, and then it hit me that I'd just kissed Eddie Munson.

A shiver ran through me as his hand cupped my cheek, the coldness of his rings causing me to tense up a little. And then it happened again, his lips gently crashing onto mine.

Warmth blossomed in my chest as Eddie began to take the lead, deepening the kiss a little as his hand trembled slightly against my cheek. Maybe it was nerves, maybe it was adrenaline, or both. Either way, it was reassuring to know he was feeling as much emotion as I was.

It's sudden, and maybe we'll wake up tomorrow morning and regret this, I don't know what'll happen next but what I do know, is that right now, I don't want Eddie to stop kissing me.


I vividly remember growing up listening to my friends saying how excruciatingly awkward their first kisses were, how they wished they'd done it differently and how they were embarrassed by it.

I didn't feel any of that at all. I just felt warm. Maybe the 18 year long wait was worth it after all.

I didn't know what would come next with me and Eddie, I just decided to roll with it. We're friends, best friends, best friends who want to kiss each other so badly that they actually do kiss and then they're still best friends.

"You're still smiling about last night?" I laugh as I notice Eddie smiling to himself while playing with that tennis ball again.

We were in Gareth's room, we'd both woken up a little early so Gareth was still fast asleep.

"Of course. I'm more offended that you're not smiling."

"I'm smiling internally, my mouth is too tired." I reply, frowning.

"... From the smiling or the kissing?" he smirks a little, as I sit myself down next to him.

"Both." I answer, "Mainly the kissing."

"Too tired for one more?"

"Obviously not."

He places a quick kiss on my lips, which swiftly began to escalate, both of us smiling into the kiss and just genuinely enjoying the moment.

Best friends who kiss, a lot.

☆ ☆ ☆

AUTHOR'S NOTES: okay look i know we all love to imagine that eddie is super confident and good at talking to girls but let's be real he's crushing on the former it girl of hawkins who happens to be one of his only close friends obviously he's gonna be a nervous wreck 😭

i apologise for the slightly late update however i think this chapter makes up for it LMAO

i wonder how matt dillon feels about valerie crushing on a different guy 😔😔 poor him

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