- 21 ; confession

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While I was on my way to Eddie's trailer I sort of realised how much of a mess I was, literally walking down a road in the middle of the night, drenched in rain. I didn't even know if Eddie would be awake but he's been practically nocturnal recently, I assumed he would be awake.

I didn't have a plan, I didn't know what I would say but I knew I had to say something soon before I would wimp out of it. It was a now or never type situation.

I continued walking as quick as I could through the heavy rain but I knew I was still far from Eddie's place, I just had to keep pushing through no matter how cold I was getting.

I seemed to notice someone else coming towards me, as if they were heading the opposite way I was. I didn't think anything of it at first,

Until I realised who it was.

"Eddie?" I have to raise my voice a little to be heard over the rain.

Holy crap.

Eddie paused at the side of the road, glancing over at me in utter confusion, it took me a moment to recognise him since the rain was clouding my vision a little.

The rain hadn't seemed to calm at all, and now here I was standing in front of Eddie. I had no idea I'd be seeing him so early. I thought I'd have more time to think this over.

"Val? The hell are you doing out this late?" he laughs a little, confused at how we'd managed to run into each other.

"I was on my way to yours, where are you going?" I ask,

"I was gonna stop by at your place, see if you were awake. Look, I need to tell you something." he begins with a slight gulp, glancing around.

Well, this is slightly bad timing.

"I need to tell you something too."

And then it was silence while we both waited for one of us to say what we needed too, the rain still pounding into the ground around us.

"You first." Eddie says.

"I don't- I don't know if I can."

"Okay, I'll go first," Eddie nods, glancing away for a second.

"Fuck, I came here thinking this would be easy and that I could act all confident and it would be fine but I really don't know how to actually get my words out." he sighs but also laughs a little, easing the tension.

Whatever he's about to tell me seems serious, I almost didn't want to hear what he wanted to say, part of me thought it could be bad.

I'm one of those people who naturally assumes the worst, I instantly considered that he was about to tell me he was moving away or something, the fact that it seemed so important had me worried.

"Remember how I told you that I had a huge crush on you in middle school?" he begins.

Oh my god.

I nod, my eyes softening as they met his.

"I still do, always have." he nods, and for a second I could've sworn this was a dream.

I'd spent so long worrying that Eddie didn't like me back and not enough time considering that maybe he did like me back, because now I was completely overrun with surprise, and complete happiness too of course.

"I like you, a lot. I don't want this whole best friends who kiss thing anymore, I wanna be with you." he finally says, slight nervousness in his voice.

Holy crap, this is actually happening.

My lips were on his after that confession alone, the warmth of Eddie's hands on my face were the only thing keeping me warm in the pouring rain, my heart fluttered as he deepened the kiss. This was different, meaningful.

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