- 16 ; shirt

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Eddie was running late for Hellfire again so Gareth and I had managed to get there a little earlier than everyone else, I was slightly worried because Eddie had told me to read some sort of D&D manual since he wanted me to play during the next club meeting, which was now. I tried to read it but it was ridiculously confusing, I wanted to be able to play D&D but I think I'll leave that to the guys for now.

Things with Eddie had been great, the kiss hadn't made anything awkward between us. In fact, things were better than ever. There was something oddly fun about kissing every time we were alone, the risk of someone catching us together, the princess of Hawkins High kissing Eddie 'the freak' Munson, it was a scandal that would spread through Hawkins like wildfire if anyone had ever found out. Having to be cautious was all part of the thrill.

"You think he'll be upset if I don't play?" I ask Gareth as I laid upside down on the Hellfire couch.

"This is Eddie we're talking about, the dude's got a major crush on you. He won't care." Gareth tells me with a laugh.

"Okay, woah, he doesn't have a major crush on me, Gareth." I shake my head in disagreement.

"If you actually believe that then you're even more oblivious than I thought." he laughs, sitting down next to me.


"I know you guys kissed." he adds, smiling a little, knowing he's not supposed to know.

"What? How?"

"Because I woke up that night and realised neither of you were in my room so I looked out my window and, lo and behold, I see you guys by my pool."

"Even if I hadn't witnessed that, it's still incredibly obvious there's something going on, all this sneaking around. You guys aren't as discreet as you think you are." he continues.

"Oh god." I cover my face.

If Gareth can tell that Eddie and I have something going on then other people might be able to, and then Mike might find out and then he'll end up blackmailing me with it.

"Nothing to be ashamed of, it's quite sweet, two friends have their first kisses with each other and now they can't stop because they've been introduced to the wonderful world of kissing and it's great."

I just blinked back at him, slowly mentally processing what he'd just said.

First kisses? Plural? Was that Eddie's first kiss too?

"Speaking of kissing, I get to see my girlfriend again in a few days which I am very excited for. You should come meet her, I think you two would get along well."

"You have a girlfriend?" I ask in shock, almost yelling the question, he's just never mentioned her before.

"Yup. Her name's Hope, she plays guitar and she's cool as hell. She's better than Eddie at playing the guitar but you can't tell him I said that." Gareth jokes.

"Don't need to tell me, I heard." Eddie strolls into the room and leaves his stuff by his throne, "And we both know that's completely wrong."

I watch as Eddie checks a few things at the table, he glances at me quickly before glancing away but he does a double take.

"Val, why are you upside down?" he asks me.

"Because I'm stressed and all the blood flow to my brain is making me less stressed. It's therapeutic."

"Fun fact, if you're upside down for too long then all the blood pools in your brain and you die." he tells me nonchalantly, "That therapeutic feeling might just be you slowly dying."

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