- 5 ; jacket

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"Valerie, I've been worried sick all night, where were you? And why do you look like that?" my mom looks like she's about to have a heart attack.

Crap. My makeup, my hair, Eddie's jacket, his ring.

Think, Valerie.

"I was at Chrissy's, we went swimming in her pool, I guess my hair and makeup got messed up from the water." I tell her, trying to be as convincing as possible.

"... You went swimming in your clothes?" she asks, confused.

"No, Chrissy had a spare swimsuit."

"And who's jacket is that?" she asks, this feels like an interrogation.

"Jason's." I answer, trying to keep it as vague as possible, I read in a magazine that adding more details to lies can make them less believable.

"It's funny that you're saying this because I actually called Chrissy's mom last night, and according to her, you weren't there."


"Chrissy's grounded so she snuck me and Jason in, her mom didn't know we were there." I smile.

"Hm. Alright." she sighs, she knows she can't be angry at me, "Next time just tell Mike or Nancy if you're going somewhere so they can let me know, okay? I really worry about you, Valerie."

"I know, I'm sorry, it was a last minute thing so I forgot to tell someone. Won't happen again." I apologise and head past her.

I darted upstairs before my mom would have any more time to further process my lies and catch me out on anything.

I was so close to the safety of my room but there was something in my way.


"Is that Eddie's ja-" he began before I covered his mouth with my hand and pushed us both into my room, shutting the door behind me and blocking the door so he wouldn't be able to escape and tell Mom.

"Don't." I warn him, uncovering his mouth.

"Why are you wearing Eddie's jacket? Holy crap! You were at Eddie's, weren't you?" he laughs.

"Mike, this is not what it looks like." I tell him, knowing if I don't defuse the situation he'll go and tell mom.

"What else would you be there for? Drugs? That's a little hypocritical, don't you think? I bet Mom would love to hear about this."

Time for another lie.

"He was teaching me how to play D&D, it was cold in his trailer so he let me wear his jacket, I forgot to give it back to him."

"Bullshit." Mike laughs, "If you're into D&D all of a sudden then what race did you choose for your character?"

Mike's explained the different races you can pick for characters before... there was elves I think, and one with a weird name. What was it? It began with a T.

"Tiefling." I smile.

I'm a genius.

"Hm." he nods, impressed, "But I could've taught you D&D, why'd you go to Eddie?"

"Because you're annoying and I don't like listening to you." I answer.

I took Eddie's jacket off and passed it to Mike, "Give that to Eddie when you see him."

"No, you can give it to him." Mike throws the jacket back at me.

"I'm not gonna see him for a while, I don't talk to him at school. Stop being difficult."

"You'll see him soon because you're gonna come to the next Hellfire Club meeting with me or I'm gonna tell Mom you slept at Eddie's." he's got that smug look on his face again.

"I don't think your friends will want me there."

"Then think of this as your chance for redemption."

I didn't want to go but I knew I had no choice, if I didn't go then Mike would tell my mom the truth and she'd find out I lied to her.

I guess I'll have to see Eddie again.


Eddie's jacket was just laying there at the end of my bed, looking at it was keeping me awake.

Sure, Eddie's a little weird, but he was really nice to me. I felt so comfortable around him and I had more fun with him than I'd ever had being stuck hanging out with Jason.

I can't see myself ever being friends with Eddie, but being acquaintances wasn't a bad idea. I just don't think my friends would like that.

I didn't know why Jason despised Eddie, maybe something had happened between them, or maybe it was just because Eddie was different. People don't like different around here.

I guess part of me wishes I could be different and be proud of it the way Eddie is. I hate that I care about what people think of me but I can't help it.

He had pins on his jacket, I began to inspect them and realised they were for bands. Black Sabbath, Def Leppard, Iron Maiden, there were a few more that I'd heard of but never really listened to.

I'll have to check out these bands at some point, but for now I'll stick to The Outfield.

Tomorrow I'll have to spend the entire day listening to Jason talk about basketball and complain about the Hellfire Club, then he'll probably be an asshole to the quiet kids at school and I'll have to stand there and watch because I'm too scared to tell him to stop, I'll be the pathetic bystander once again.

Or... I could spend the day with Robin.

That sounds like a better idea.

☆ ☆ ☆

AUTHOR'S NOTES: ty everyone for the kind comments so far 😇 my fav part about writing is being able to read the comments so ty again to the people who leave comments ily all <33

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