- 𖥔 Axe 𖥔 -

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(Y/n) Point of View :

"I.. I still don't understand, what happened?" I rubbed my forehead in frustration after hearing the story of Peter being able to be in Wakanda after previously being on Titan.

"Mr. Stark told me about you from another universe, isn't that crazy? I mean, I didn't believe it at first until what you told to Mr. Stark about what's to come, and it really happened which made me a little bit of a believer. I- I don't mean–"

Peter's rumble was cut by Rhodey, "Ok, that's enough, kid. Just tell the detail of your story." He patted Peter's shoulder.

I've expressed my happiness when I met Peter and even the Guardians of the Galaxy, and after that I got a lot of scolds from the team. Those who commented that the timing was not right, I immediately felt embarrassed but covered it up by asking Peter to tell how his team got to earth.

Peter nodded before taking a deep breath, "So after we who were on the planet almost managed to remove the gauntlet in the purple creature's hand, doctor strange made a round orange–"

"He called it a portal." Quill corrected.

"–yeah, portal. That sparkling thing. And, he told all of us to enter it quickly–"

"What we jump right in there is not caring about our things or anything left behind." Quill added.

"And you almost left me there, if this webbed boy hadn't caught me, I would have been lying there." Drax said.

"Hey! It wasn't my fault that I didn't see you!"

"You didn't see me?! Mantis says I am not invisible, I was visible all along. How could you not see me there, Quill?!"

"Uh, yeah. I can see you, Drax." Mantis whispered.

Bucky raising his eyebrows, then leaning over to Sam. "Is this an important conversation?" He whispered.

Sam turned to him, pursed his lips.
He glanced at the Captain, hoping he would be able to help the situation.

Steve sighed, shooked his head as his eyes closing in tiredness. He clapped his hands, "Let's focus on Thanos guy." He sternly told them.

"Wait, wait! So, If you were here, then where is he now?" I chimed in nodded my head to Peter and the others Guardians of Galaxy.

The groups shared a glances towards each other, time became more tense which made me sweat a little.


Tony who was in the air immediately fell to the ground when he saw the god of thunder fighting down there, with his huge axe.

"PointBreak!" He called out to him as the noise in the midst of this battle, the multitude of roars and screams and the sound of weapons colliding.

Thor turned around and his gaze fell to the Ironman, he threw his axe at Tony or rather around Tony where many creatures tried to attack him.

Stormbreaker returned to his grasp as his hand reached towards it, he flew towards Stark. "You didn't come with the others to the forest?" He asked.

Tony took off his mask and revealed his tired face, "I was just about to go there, you're going there right?" He asked back stepped forward.

"Yes, I am. But not yet, not now. I'm waiting for a signal from Natasha."

Tony raising his eyebrow before furrowing, "What signal?" He thought that he was the only one who didn't know what the other heroes were planning for this war.

"I can not to tell you now, you will know later. Be careful, Stark." Thor placed his hand in Tony's shoulder.

Expecting Tony to fly right away, he instead gets a pause with Tony reading Thor's face carefully. He looked hesitant until he finally nodded his head, and patted Thor's arm as a sign of their friendship.

Thor watched Tony fly away into oblivion, so focused on his friend he hadn't seen in a long time, he didn't notice a creature secretly wanting to attack him. Luckily M'baku was right there to witness that, he quickly jumped at the creature and stabbed it in the head with his wand.

The creature's screams made Thor jump in surprise and readied his axe to throw at anyone who tried to attack him, but what he saw was a creature lying on the ground with its head punctured from behind almost right through to the front. He winced and looked up, nodded thankfully to M'baku with gently smile in his face.

"You need to be careful too next time." M'baku said grinning ear-to-ear.

Thor let out a thunderous laugh, "I'll remember that, warrior." He said.

"Nice to meet you, lord of thunder."

Thor chuckled awkwardly, "It's god of thunder." He corrected looking at him with his face narrowing his eyes slightly.

M'baku shrugged, "Same thing." And with that he turned away and focused back on the war.

Thor glaring at his back, sighing when he didn't know what to do against it.

"I am the god of.. thunder!" He threw his axe with all his might at the other enemies.


A.N :

Guys, I want to apologize. Since I will be holding exams this week for the next two weeks, I will rarely update this book, or may not even update until I finish the exam. But I'll try if I have time to update the latest chapter!

Have a good day.

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