- 𖥔 Argument 𖥔 -

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(Y/n) Point of View :

"Look, after all, you are not from here and neither will you stay here. And I also see the risk that could occur in the future if this world has problems with your world when you join. You have helped us, and we are very grateful for that. But.." Doctor Strange stopped and looked around.

I furrowed my brow, "But?"

"You can't be accepted here too long."

"That means you were told to leave." Sam was joking but stopped when getting glares from the others, and also Natasha who hit his arm silently.

"I.. uh.."

"He didn't mean right now, you also need to rest, see you weren't very prepared for yesterday's battle right?"

"No, of course I didn't prepare any of that. I just wanted to watch a movie and relax with my blanket and food, but suddenly I was dropped here."

Silence reigned again in this room, and they also gave me a look of regret that I didn't really think about.

Bruce gave me a faint smile.

"I knew I will leave, and it must be because... well because of that." It's kind of sad to hear and accept it, but they're right and I'm also just a person who doesn't have superpowers or can fight. "And, hey, wait. I also wanted to tell you something, it's about protecting the Earth." I leaned forward slightly, signaling to them that this was important.

Sam groaned loudly, "Another Earth battle mission?!" it sounded like a whimper and dramatically as if he fell and leaned against Natasha who immediately elbowed Sam's side.

Immediately regretful, he jumped up and wince was in pain then grabbed his side and endured the pain that the Black Widow had given him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Loki rolled his eyes then stand silently and go out of the room.

"You're a lot of drama." Bucky commented at Sam's antics.

Sam's head snapped at him, glared at Bucky.

"Says who!" He shoot back.

Steve sighed and rolled his eyes at their arguement, I agree that this duo is indeed suitable to be put together, but there must be a process like this first.

Their argument brought them to their feet and positioned themselves ready to fight, the others watched this with alarmed. Tony immediately folded his arms, glaring at them both.

"I advise both of you to fight outside, I don't want this facility to be damaged." He scowled.

"Humans are weird." Thor said.

We all turn to him, with some of their offended looks. I mean, yeah right, humans are weird. But, he thought out loud.

Thor raised his hands and then Natasha mumbles. "He's right though." Responded with groaned from others and also some who protested.

"You guys fight too much."


My lips formed a thin line hearing Bruce's statement, his voice was not too loud but enough for everyone who was here to hear.

Given that these are fellow Avengers fighting each other, it's the same as Civil War. Even though I know this time it's just a joke and trying to get in the mood.

But they can't blame it that the topic of Civil War, especially accords is a sensitive topic.

Doctor Strange narrowed his eyes at the all mightiest heroes in the room, "That's why I don't like seeing you all in the same place." He mumbled before stood up and heading towards kitchen.

And that's why I think I would like to seeing them all in the same place.


Walking to my room needed to pass through several doors to other rooms, like one of Wanda's. These doors are all closed, I rarely see one open.

The hallway is also not too narrow and not too big, for a moment I thought that the hallway in this compound was almost like the hallway in the usual hotel or apartment in my world.

After the conversation earlier and ended with Bucky and Sam fighting, they were finally forced to apologize after getting scolded by Steve.

So I'll be returning to my world in the near future, but I feel something is missing and I'm still needed here.

But what?

I stopped for a moment, trying to think hard to remember what I needed to tell them and what they had to prepare.

For after the Infinity War event there seems to be no problem, it's only after five years and that's if Snap really happened, then Blip happened too.

Thor had left the compound with Loki saying that they would extract the remaining Asgardians, luckily they already knew where the rest of the Asgardians would land.

If I had the chance to meet a Valkyrie, she would be really cool. Especially when she appears in the battlefield in Endgame with her pegasus.

So, what am I missing?

Ah, then Doctor Strange is still the Sorcerer Supreme right? Won't be replaced by Wong.

Captain Marvel won't appear. It's a shame, but she's pretty cool too.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the sound of the door opening, I turned and saw Wanda's door opening.

Just realized that I'd been standing in the hallway for minutes just thinking, with Wanda pausing at her door when she saw me silent in the hallway.

"(Y/n)?" She stepped forward, closing the door behind her. "What are you doing here?" She asked nicely.

I glanced around me, "I was just thinking about something that stopped me on my way to my room."
I chuckled nervously hoping to cover my embarrassment.

"Do you need someone to talk to?"

"No, I'm fine." The thought just now really made my head spin a little, and also with me not getting enough rest. Wanda must have noticed this from the look on her worried face.

"How about we go for a walk?" She offered, making my face lit up with excitement.

"Can I? I mean, yeah, of course I would love that!" I grinned at her and she smiled back at me.

Very good offer from her, how nice she is.


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