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Santana Pov

Looking at this girl, I couldn't help but notice how fat she was. I'm upset. I would never go for her kind nor her weight in scale, yet my parents picked her. I was mad at my parents for arranging me to marry some girl whom I don't even know. I'm also in a relationship. Emily is going to pissed off when she hears this. I am 27 and Emily is my girlfriend of 4 years. Of course I've cheated on her throughout the years, but I've never let her go. I really like her and she's an easy fuck. I call her and she comes running to my every need, every time.

"What do you think about gym?" I smirked while asking her. "What do you think about being under my tire once I run your ass over?" she retorted. She then stormed out of the room and went upstairs. I was furious and astonished by her actions. How dare she talk to me like that ? I have women begging at my feet, yet she's threatening like I'm not charming, handsome, and can get any bitch I want.

I walked outside to see the Reeses' and my parents talking. Saying my goodbyes to both parties, I left. I was pissed off and I needed a release. Headed down the road, I decided to call Emily. She answered on the first ring. "Where are you? I need my dick sucked right now," I said. "Hi baby, i'm at home. Swing by so I can give you what you want," she said pleasingly. I wanted to cringed at the word "baby" but kept my cool. I don't love her. She's just a fuck who I know will cater to my every pleasurable need. "See you in 30," I said and hung up.

Nieyell Pov

I could not believe what that asshole said to me. This marriage is definitely not going to work. He's rude, arrogant, a womanizer, and I find myself threatening him upon the first time meeting him. I really wanted to ring his neck. It took all the courage in me to walk away from his mean ass. I needed out of this soon to be marriage, but I also didn't want my parents going broke. Hearing about them almost filing for bankruptcy was crazy. They pay for anything I need. They've covered my car, my college fees, and they live in a nice house. They also bought me a 2022 car and got themselves SUV's.

Not going through with the marriage wasn't sounding good now that I think about. I'm still mad about it, but I refuse to be the reason my family goes broke. I will have to suck it up and deal with Mr. Asshole. I'm not going to be taking any shit from him either so this could turn out good or bad.

I walked downstairs an hour later. Everyone was in the living room except my dear hubby. Thank God. I coughed to make my presence known, and they all looked at me. I knew they were plotting something and that's when Reagan spoke up. "Nieyell, dear, we've came to an agreement that you and Santana need to get to know each other. Starting today so pack your clothes. You and Santana will be moving in together before you get married in four months. With that being said, you can start packing now and we'll give you directions to the house."

"Are you serious right now?" I asked. I could not believe my holy ears. How dare they try to make me move in with him of all people ?! I also just met the asshole today. I looked at my parents and seen them looking up at me with pleading eyes. I didn't want to become a failure and embarrassment to them. With all of my anger and pride being put to the side, I gave them an answer. "Ok, I'll start packing now." I tried to sound cheerful and it worked because they looked pleased with me.

couple hours later

Wow was the first thing I could think of. The house was big and the outside was nice. Upon arriving, I noticed the assholes car. His parents must have told him to meet us here.

The house was a beauty and I truly loved it. Stepping inside the house, I noticed it was nicely decorated with black and white decorations. It had 7 bedrooms and 6 baths, from what Mrs. Dolson had said.

My parents and the Dolsons were now leaving. Leaving me alone with this asshole who came downstairs in a black Armani suit. Speaking on the phone, he stopped once he saw me looking around in the living room.

Hanging up the phone, he walked to where I was. "Look I don't want to be married to you as much as you don't want to married to me. Just play along so I can make my parents happy. I'm going out. Don't call or worry about my whereabouts or when i'll be coming or going. I also have a girlfriend and I will not be sleeping with you," he said. The audacity of this walking piece of shit.

"Look here Santana, I don't know who you think you are- "A handsome billionaire who you are soon to be married to," he interrupted. "More like an annoying little cunt," I shot back. His face turned red and his eyes held anger, but I don't care about his feelings right now. "To confirm what you just said, I actually do not want to be married to you. I also don't want to know your whereabouts either. I could care less when or where you're going. I also would never in my life want to sleep with you. I have tolerated your disrespect, but now it's getting out of hand. I also don't care about you or your girlfriend. Just don't bring her here at all because there's this thing called respect. I see who I want and you see who you want. Are we clear ?" I asked.

"Whatever," he said and walked out. This is going to be a long year. I'm going to strangle this motherfucker before the marriage even start, i thought. Going upstairs, I spotted a beautiful room, which I'll be sleeping in. I decided to take a 3 hour nap and then went downstairs to cook something to eat. I decided that I was going to make baked salmon, baked macaroni, and asparagus.

Since i'm not a heartless ass, I made enough for me and him in case he was hungry. I could careless if he was going to eat it or not though. More for me.

Kill, Joy, Love Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon