Ch. 16 - Tell Me

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Sam called in the morning. Made sure he had gotten to a safe location and that he was alright. Steve told him he was, and who was staying with. They didn't need to worry about anyone listening in on their calls because the phones they had were under different numbers from the ones they used before they went on the run. Nonetheless, they never used their names and spoke vaguely altogether.

"Oh, is that the girl you were telling me about? The one you met back in New York?"

"Yeah, she's allowing me to stay here for as long as I need."

"You gonna make a move?"

"I don't think so, pal. She's...with someone else now."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's okay."

"You know you could stay with us if you want? My sister wouldn't mind, really."

"No, I don't want to make it weird for your family. Besides... I don't plan on being here for long."

"Look I'm sorry, man. I know how much she means to you."

"Thank you."

Steve spent his day searching on foot for a job that would keep him low-profile. He eventually found one at a sketchy lumber yard that he was certain was a cover-up for something. He didn't care at the moment. They didn't ask questions and paid well, perfect for a man on the run.

His job was to load and unload the lumber, and then chop wood if need be. It wasn't like it was hard, it was just incredibly odd for him because of how many years he spent in the compound around crazy technology and the enhanced.

But, it was going to keep him safe. Which was exactly what he needed.

He came to y/n's apartment with the optimistic promise of work tomorrow morning and the intention of asking her about her feelings as soon as he found the right moment. He could hear her shuffling around inside, and he smiled.

Soft jazz music that he recognized played while she cleaned and danced around in her kitchen. She was always like that, constantly cleaning and picking up because she needed everything to be perfect all the time, dancing to upbeat music while she did it. He secretly liked that about her even if he told her to slow down sometimes. She introduced him to modern music which, most of the time, wasn't bad.

"I'm back," he announced so as not to scare her.

She jumped, quickly turning off the music on her speaker and then stilling her movements.

"Hey," she said, out of breath. Her eyes darted around for a moment. "Do you want a drink?"

He tilted his head a bit. "Sure."

She got him and herself a drink out of the refrigerator, opening them up with her bottle opener.

"Thanks," he said when she handed it to him. She hummed in response and turned her back to him to continue cleaning.

He took a sip and then gestured towards the silent speaker with his thumb, a smile on his face. "Was that The Ink Spots?"

She looked at the speaker, mouth agape. "Well, I– yes. You're the one who introduced me to older music so..."

She still listened to his music?

"Are you calling me old?"

It looked like she was trying to suppress her smile by biting her lip, but she ended up beaming and giggling anyway. She was still so incredibly adorable.

"Maybe," she managed to get out between her laughs. When her giggles ceased, she casually continued, "Where were you?"

He shrugged. "I was out searching for a job today. I was successful, may I add."

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