A/N I'm sorry

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Hey, guys. I'm sorry I haven't updated in for-freaking-ever. Things have just been a little hectic lately and I haven't gotten the time to do anything. I have been super busy with school, I have ball 3 days a week. Rehearsal's 2 nights after school and on top of that when I am not at school, ball or rehearsals I'm working. I actually got a job and I'm so excites but unfortunately when I'm done my shifts I'm so dead and have no energy to do anything. I promise I will try and update when I can as I don't want to disappoint you guys by being away for so long but I have no energy. I'm going to try and use my second period spare to update or at least try and work on chapters/get ideas down. I'm sorry and I hope you understand. I love you all so much.


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